Gameplay / Was there supposed to be sound just then? *spoiler?*
« on: January 12, 2008, 12:19:50 pm »
Possibly a spoiler -- Kelp Forest boss, Mithalas boss.
So, after I beat each of those, I was happily swimming along and suddenly that being from the beginning, the one that started this whole quest, turned up. And there was a cut scene of it and Naija... I dunno, communing? Only there was no voice-over or vision or anything -- just the two of them staring at eachother for a while, and then it left and I could go on.
Was there a point to all that?
So, after I beat each of those, I was happily swimming along and suddenly that being from the beginning, the one that started this whole quest, turned up. And there was a cut scene of it and Naija... I dunno, communing? Only there was no voice-over or vision or anything -- just the two of them staring at eachother for a while, and then it left and I could go on.
Was there a point to all that?