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Messages - songster

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Was there supposed to be sound just then? *spoiler?*
« on: January 12, 2008, 12:19:50 pm »
Possibly a spoiler -- Kelp Forest boss, Mithalas boss.

So, after I beat each of those, I was happily swimming along and suddenly that being from the beginning, the one that started this whole quest, turned up.   And there was a cut scene of it and Naija... I dunno, communing?    Only there was no voice-over or vision or anything -- just the two of them staring at eachother for a while, and then it left and I could go on.

Was there a point to all that?

General / Re: Aquaria on Jay Is Games!
« on: December 29, 2007, 03:55:33 am »
Thanks for the welcome. :)     

It does give a certain atmosphere to the game, which is great.   But it can be very frustrating too, especially when you're ready to put down the game for the night -- because there are save points, you can't just stop.  You have to go swimming all over creation or face redoing things the next time you play.    Or when, as I said, you find that your progress is blocked because you lack a skill and you have to retrace your steps.     If exploration is going to be the main focus of a game, then retracing your path shouldn't feel like a chore, y'know?   

Ah, well.  I'm leaning towards buying the game anyway -- it's really great, and I suppose every game must have its drawbacks.

General / Re: Aquaria on Jay Is Games!
« on: December 28, 2007, 10:21:14 am »
I assume Atomix was referring to one of the comments  ("That said, it seems like there's an awful lot of tunnels for the sake of having tunnels, which, coupled with the speed of movement, is reeeeeally annoying really quickly.")  rather than the main review, as the main text didn't have that critique.

That comment was me.  Hi. :)

And what I meant by it wasn't tunnels vs. open ocean, but rather the distance between Point A and Point B being made arbitrarily lengthy.   There was a lot of "ok, so you go down this tunnel, around the corner, past three armored fish, around another bend, down a long hall, around the hair-pin turn and... dead-end at a door you can't open yet.  Return trip time..." where it could have been simply "ok, so you go down this tunnel, around the corner, past three armored fish and dead-end at a door you can't open yet."    In another game, where the scenery was less compelling, that kind of rather pointless distance would be a major drawback.    In Aquaria, it's an annoyance but one that can be lived with.

Gameplay / Re: Aquarian Runes *spoilers*
« on: December 28, 2007, 10:09:30 am »
Hmm, are we counting text on the website? Because if so, the J is identified -- at least, I assume "N-A-I-??-A" would be a J.  ;)   Under "world">>Naija, between the text about the character and the voice actress.

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