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Messages - Zedd

Pages: [1]
Modding / Re: Subtitles Complete & String Bank
« on: March 08, 2008, 11:58:54 pm »
What about the messages on walls which are written in aquarian runes, will they be the same (=english), or in translated language?

Modding / Re: Subtitles Complete & String Bank
« on: March 08, 2008, 11:49:25 pm »
I'll start the Czech translation, anyone wants to join?
Přidejte se chlapi, ať to uděláme pořádně.   :D

General / Re: Po česku
« on: January 08, 2008, 08:04:42 pm »
Cruxx, Peste: Wonderfull, especialy TM  :o

General / Re: Po česku
« on: January 08, 2008, 02:11:51 pm »
BTW, it can be a bit funny, but it seems that foreigners from our countries (Czech, Poland, Hungary) are the people that have the most less difficulties learning most of world's languages  :D, because most of them descend from roman languages.
I agree.  :)

EN:This is my new banana.
CZ: Toto je můj nový banán.
GER:Das ist meine neue Banane.
POL: To jest mój nowy banan

General / Re: Po česku
« on: January 07, 2008, 11:58:19 pm »
 ;) Xiagan: you're a close neighbour, Germany or Austria?

General / Re: Po česku
« on: January 07, 2008, 06:27:41 pm »
IceD and Xiagan: nice  ;) write us something in your language too, ... Could we understand it as you understand us?  :)

Something like: This is my new banana.
CZ: Toto je můj nový banán.

//sounds silly, but I mentioned this sentence many times, in conversation with hungarian, german, and other non-czech-or-english friends which I was lucky to meet face to face. Hungarian was the most interesting, but absolutely unrememberable.  :D
(btw. who knows if a word "unrememberable" actually exist in English  :D (maybe unremembable))

General / Re: Po česku
« on: January 06, 2008, 10:14:24 pm »
Me Najia utkvela v pameti z dabingu opravdu jako Náža... s hodne mekym ž   :)
Nejpeknejsi oblast byla rozhodne The Veil,... zaskakat si nad hladinu -> bomba.

General / Re: Po česku
« on: January 04, 2008, 11:23:04 pm »
17 hodin, pritelickove vsechny, ale poklady zdaleka na vsechny.

Kazdopadne kvalitni....

Gameplay / Re: Not Buying and Here's Why
« on: December 31, 2007, 11:36:17 am »
I don't know, why didn't someone mentioned it already,
but if you need to travel fast in Aquaria,  just drink any soup with speed boost and then you can swim throught two  maps in 30 seconds.
*spoiler* When you get beast form, it is even faster.*spoiler*

Somewhere on the forum has someone mentioned, that you have to shoot all the time in game, because there are enemies at every step, but you can swim past them in a few seconds.

Anyway, I am surprised  :o on how many things people complain in some threads. Most of the game elements, which are for someone painful and wrong,....? I didn't noticed any of these to be wrong (save system, some problems with boss, boring? monotous?,thread next time make it easier ?!? what?!, ...)

Maybe it is because the Aquaria look like a never-dying-just-swiming-and-jumping-and-singing-with-fishes-enjoing-the-bright-side-of-life=> danger is none just underwater visual extasy
,...so it attracts people, who maybe (just maybe) don't play that often, and then they think its difficult, but in fact Aquaria is game made on hard basic stones of expernice from good old-fashioned game gems and it can't be both  Old-Fashioned Game Gem and Relaxating Screensaver at the same time.

Conclusion  :) :
I think, that for a player, who play games for quite a long time, It is not boring and not difficult and it has exactly these game elements, that hook us to play it (collecting ingrediens, boss  fights, upgradeable home!, costumes!, places, which you can't visit right now, but after getting the right form (CSOTN bat,double jump),.... companions,....)

Modding / Re: Translating the Subtitles ...
« on: December 27, 2007, 09:09:07 pm »
I hope this multi-language localization will be possible to realize.
I could translate Aquaria to Czech  ;), ... so I guess I'll stay tuned...

btw. No need for new characters or special font features...

Pages: [1]