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Support / Re: Suggestions
« on: May 13, 2010, 03:39:46 am »
I will keep these suggestions in mind for when the game is open-sourced, then.

I suppose I don't like the idea of instant form switching, for fairness and story/immersion reasons. I don't know why I consider it to be unfair, because this isn't a competitive game, but the story reasons are clear enough. If it is the song that does the magic, I figure Naija has to actually sing it for the magic to happen. She can use 1/32nd notes, though.  ;)

As for drawing each song in the song window, there are two advantages. First, it makes it crystal clear, without listening for the longer gap, that the game is repeatedly playing the song; you do not have to listen for the longer gap. Second, I think it will help those who rely on mouse motion muscle memory to remember the song. But maybe not; I use a gamepad myself.

Gameplay / Poisoning Sun God?
« on: May 12, 2010, 02:49:19 pm »
Has anyone tried dropping a poison loaf or rotten cake or something for the Sun God to suck up? That move seems similar to Naija's roll, so I thought he might pick up items like she does.

Support / Suggestions
« on: May 12, 2010, 02:25:28 pm »
Hey, love the game. But I have three suggestions.

1) When the player changes forms using the number keys, can you have Naija actually sing the song before changing? Like, if the player presses 9 (or whatever) for the energy shield spell, can Naija quickly sing the four notes required to cast the spell? This is mostly for flavor reasons, I guess.

2) On the song screen (where you highlight one of your songs and the game shows the notes), can you have the game trace the notes as they're played, showing how you would "draw" the song using the mouse?

3) Can you change the controls so that a game pad's d-pad can be configured to activate different forms? On my controller, the d-pad is treated as a hat switch.

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