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Messages - Lord Blade

Pages: [1] 2
General / Aquaria and Steam
« on: August 01, 2011, 09:53:58 pm »
So I have Aquaria v1.1.1

I was curious as to what the latest version should be.
And if there's any way to register my game with Steam.

Support / Aquaria 1.1.1 - Random crashes
« on: February 13, 2010, 06:46:32 am »
I'm playing on Vista 64 bit.
nVidia drivers are up to date.

Every now and then, the game just crashes. Sound continues, but I get a white screen, and an error message telling me that Aquaria has stopped responding.

Not a solution for me.
Recently got a nice new computer, that easily runs Crysis on "Very High" settings across the board. :)

Hmm... what if I try to run Crysis 5 times at once?

Support / Re: Aquaria 1.0.3 Cumulative Patch 2007.12.17
« on: November 21, 2008, 03:24:23 pm »
Well... how about...

Gameplay / Re: Frozen Veil Boss.
« on: January 01, 2008, 12:11:37 am »
I cheated.

I used the cooking glitch to make myself a crapload of food.
The invincibility food helps wonders. Make up for lack of skill with cheating. :p

I could just knock him down, and grab one of the bombs he'd already dropped (which are seconds from exploding) and just drag them to his head. LOL!

Gameplay / I beat it!!!! When's the next one gonna be ready? :p *Spoilers*
« on: December 31, 2007, 03:22:47 am »
Sweet game, apart from, you know, the super difficult sections. :p

But using the infinite food abuse, I was able to keep myself healed enough to survive. :p
The final boss fight was really fun!!! My friend was here watching me do it. We had a blast.

The story in the game was amazing. Though, a little messed up at the end.
So... what was the deal with the "other gods"? Were they created by the boy, and then left him to make their own races?
I'm a tad confused about that.

And Mia being uber evil... well, that wasn't expected. :p

The game was beautiful, and the music kicked ass.

Support / Sun Temple glitch...
« on: December 29, 2007, 03:56:20 am »
First off, I FINALLY made it to the top of the Sun Temple. After trying for countless hours.
I was super happy. I got up to that water bubble at the top of the tube.

Now... after that, I dropped down out of the bubble... at just the right angle to fall in the gap between the glass tube and the side of the Sun Temple.
Guess what... I got stuck.
I tried moving, but Najia just went all spasmatic and glitchy. Obviously this isn't a place you're supposed to be able to move in.

So... my game was "stuck"... and I had to load.
Sadly, I haven't been able to get back up. *Cries*

How do you take screenshots?
I wanted to take one, but I don't know what the button is for it.

Gameplay / Re: Next time make it easier...
« on: December 29, 2007, 03:52:47 am »
True, the hints or the cheat codes would work best.

As a difficulty difference would be too hard to balance out in a game like this. And wouldn't really change the difficulty of jumps and such, only fights.

One thing that bugs me, is that I have to fight an optional boss (which I haven't been able to hit once) in order to get a max life extension.
Now, I can understand giving rewards for optional bosses. But... the life up item being one seems backwards to me.
As someone who's good enough to beat the boss, wouldn't really need the life extension as much as someone like me who just plain sucks at the game. :p

Gameplay / Re: Frozen Veil Boss.
« on: December 29, 2007, 03:44:03 am »
Yeah, well, I've not been able to hit him once yet. :p

Personally, I think that for bosses that are immune to normal hits, there should be an audible sound, like a "tink" of something hitting impenetrable armor or something.
Because if it flashes, I figured I'd hurt it. I didn't actually realize there were different colored flashes until I read this topic.

Gameplay / Re: Aquarian Runes *spoilers*
« on: December 28, 2007, 04:52:58 pm »
Where is there an X?
I don't recall seeing one.

Gameplay / Re: I found something I don't know what to do with. *Spoilers*
« on: December 28, 2007, 07:10:25 am »
Yeah, when I finally managed to beat it, it was the top note, then bottom, then top, etc... :p

Gameplay / Re: Can't reach the top of the sun temple.
« on: December 28, 2007, 07:09:14 am »
Yeah, I was messing about with the cactus thing (is it just me, or is it disturbingly phallic?)... anyway, I kept having the problem of struggling to make it to that second section (through the little path at the top)... and I'd always mess up with a jump in just the right angle to shoot me down that stupid hole in the ground. :(

Gameplay / Re: Frozen Veil Boss.
« on: December 28, 2007, 07:07:09 am »
Okay, I'll have to try that.

I'm also running out of healing items. :(

Other than that ESC glitch, there aren't any cheats or anything to get more food?

Gameplay / Re: DO you know this bug?
« on: December 28, 2007, 07:03:12 am »
Er... yeah, someone made a topic about this a couple of lines down.

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