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Messages - ArigusX207

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Major issues/unplayable
« on: May 14, 2010, 12:15:46 am »
So I figured out my OpenGL issue, but now I have a new host of problems. I think it has a lot to do with Windows 7 and Microsoft's aversion to OpenGL (and who can blame them... they do own the competing rendering library) since I was able to install Dell's (outdated) Vista drivers (btw, I'm running a Dell E1705 with a Mobility Radeon X1400). It fixed all of my OpenGl issues, Aquaria ran at a good framerate (with stipulations, more on that), but Prey and Doom 3 both ran perfectly well earlier today for the first time since I've had Windows 7.

As for the driver version, I'm pretty sure that Dell was just installing a custom version of the ATI Catalyst 8.6 drivers, so for people that don't own Dell laptops I would try that.

Now the new issue is that the title screen is all black and I can't see the option to start a new game, but there are other forums topics for that issue, so that's the last I'll say about that.

Support / Re: Major issues/unplayable
« on: May 12, 2010, 05:37:33 am »
I was looking for a solution to the OpenGL problem, and I really can't find any sort of good legacy support for OpenGL... it's like it just didn't exist under Windows Vista! I'm running an ATI Radeon Mobility x1400, and it really should be able to run this. Sadness!

Anyway, Nvidia guy, you might be in more luck than the rest of us. Nvidia seems to have much better support for OpenGL drivers. Here's their page for OGL drivers, check that out and see if it helps.


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