Off-Topic / Idea about a possible multiplayer Aquaria-based game.
« on: June 04, 2010, 03:40:33 am »
This is just a random idea.
And it makes references to later parts of Aquaria, so minor spoilers, mostly simply references to later forms.
First, consider how many popular multiplayer games are team-based combat.
Also, Aquaria has a few different races.
I was thinking about how to make a four team combat/conflict kind of game using Aquaria's general theme and physics.
The goal is to get three of those orbs into the receptacles(the ones usually used to open doors from energy form), starting with one, and other teams can take them from you. There would be four teams each with one, and one unclaimed one in the map.
Each team would be a different race, with a themed "base" area and unique abilities:
Upper team:
Sun form base.
-Charge creates light. However, nearby enemies are temporarily blinded(maybe 1 second of completely white screen, fades out over an additional two seconds or so. Leaves a temporary bright area.
-Regular attack based on nature form. Fires a seed that grows into a few small spikes on any surface it hits.
-Can open/use plant portals
Middle teams:
Energy form base.
-Regular energy form.
-Also can access fish form.
-New ability(not in Aquaria): can create small energy bariers that allow projectiles and block+damage enemies.
Beast form base.
-Regular beast form. Includes swimming against currents.
-(Form's boss inspired) That spin thing causes a powerful suction that draws other players in. Trapped players cannot move(and possibly cannot act, either, but that might cause balance issues if a time limit is not placed on it)
-Whatever is accuired by the consumation of various (respawning) creatures.
Lower team:
<New race>. Basically, just something playerish that would plausibly live in the Abyss.
-Can see in the dark. Blinded in bright light, such as that left by the upper team.
-Charge creates darkness.
-Has soul form equivalent.
-Can fire ice crystals. When they hit something, they temporarily grow ice that slowly breaks up and disolves. Blocks projectiles, but is easily destroyed by repeated attacks or one speed boost into them. If grown from an obstacle and grows partially over a player, will disable them from moving. Counts as an obstacle, allowing other ice to grow off it.
-Every team should have some form of vision in the dark:
-Lower team can see always
-Upper team has light form abilities
-Energy form's shots should, as a new feature, leave a trail of light(only temporarily)
-Beast form should gain a source of light by consuming an appropriate creature that tends to float near dark areas.
-Every team has a unique form of access to otherwise inaccessable areas
-Upper team can use plant tunnels(those blue things)
-Lower team has spirit form equivalent
-Beast team can go against strong currents
-Energy team has fish form.
-Every base can be accessed by every team, but has shortcuts for that team's use(exception: lower area is simply dark with spiked walls occasionally. Lower team has automatic visibility but others don't. Should be sufficient advantage, and if it isn't, balance light-generating abilities)
-Unclaimed orb should start in area only accessable(and accessable througgh all) team mobility ability.
-All players have equivalent of bind song.
I thought this through before learning that the source has been released. However, if someone were to actually implement it rather than just discussing how great/terrible it could/would be, it would probably take a huge ammount of effort to create working networking code that can handle >200 ping without becoming unplayable. I could try to make something like this myself, but the time and effort would conflict with other things that I would want to do, and I have never really done much networking anyway...
And it makes references to later parts of Aquaria, so minor spoilers, mostly simply references to later forms.
First, consider how many popular multiplayer games are team-based combat.
Also, Aquaria has a few different races.
I was thinking about how to make a four team combat/conflict kind of game using Aquaria's general theme and physics.
The goal is to get three of those orbs into the receptacles(the ones usually used to open doors from energy form), starting with one, and other teams can take them from you. There would be four teams each with one, and one unclaimed one in the map.
Each team would be a different race, with a themed "base" area and unique abilities:
Upper team:
Sun form base.
-Charge creates light. However, nearby enemies are temporarily blinded(maybe 1 second of completely white screen, fades out over an additional two seconds or so. Leaves a temporary bright area.
-Regular attack based on nature form. Fires a seed that grows into a few small spikes on any surface it hits.
-Can open/use plant portals
Middle teams:
Energy form base.
-Regular energy form.
-Also can access fish form.
-New ability(not in Aquaria): can create small energy bariers that allow projectiles and block+damage enemies.
Beast form base.
-Regular beast form. Includes swimming against currents.
-(Form's boss inspired) That spin thing causes a powerful suction that draws other players in. Trapped players cannot move(and possibly cannot act, either, but that might cause balance issues if a time limit is not placed on it)
-Whatever is accuired by the consumation of various (respawning) creatures.
Lower team:
<New race>. Basically, just something playerish that would plausibly live in the Abyss.
-Can see in the dark. Blinded in bright light, such as that left by the upper team.
-Charge creates darkness.
-Has soul form equivalent.
-Can fire ice crystals. When they hit something, they temporarily grow ice that slowly breaks up and disolves. Blocks projectiles, but is easily destroyed by repeated attacks or one speed boost into them. If grown from an obstacle and grows partially over a player, will disable them from moving. Counts as an obstacle, allowing other ice to grow off it.
-Every team should have some form of vision in the dark:
-Lower team can see always
-Upper team has light form abilities
-Energy form's shots should, as a new feature, leave a trail of light(only temporarily)
-Beast form should gain a source of light by consuming an appropriate creature that tends to float near dark areas.
-Every team has a unique form of access to otherwise inaccessable areas
-Upper team can use plant tunnels(those blue things)
-Lower team has spirit form equivalent
-Beast team can go against strong currents
-Energy team has fish form.
-Every base can be accessed by every team, but has shortcuts for that team's use(exception: lower area is simply dark with spiked walls occasionally. Lower team has automatic visibility but others don't. Should be sufficient advantage, and if it isn't, balance light-generating abilities)
-Unclaimed orb should start in area only accessable(and accessable througgh all) team mobility ability.
-All players have equivalent of bind song.
I thought this through before learning that the source has been released. However, if someone were to actually implement it rather than just discussing how great/terrible it could/would be, it would probably take a huge ammount of effort to create working networking code that can handle >200 ping without becoming unplayable. I could try to make something like this myself, but the time and effort would conflict with other things that I would want to do, and I have never really done much networking anyway...