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Messages - omnislayer

Pages: [1]
    I think so too, this is kind of ruining the ballance of the game... I accidentally found the bug, and got all of my major food to their max value. Lucky I've already beat the final boss before...

    However, I suggest you use it carefully. This may spoil part of the fun of the game, use it wisely or never use it.
If you've tired of hunting materials to cook food, you can try it...have fun!!!

      In the game, while cooking a food, if you click the icon"cook" and quickly press "Esc",you will have a food made without any wast of material.
    So, now you can have infinite food......SUPER!!!

Gameplay / Re: Who know the recipe for "Brine Soup?"
« on: December 26, 2007, 01:40:00 am »
well,so be it...I guess this is it, :'(a fake...  I've asked in a lot of places, nobody ever knows, I give up...

Gameplay / Who know the recipe for "Brine Soup?"
« on: December 25, 2007, 03:51:18 am »
I've got all the 50 recipes listed in the game,I hear there is another one, supposed to be Brine Soup. Any one know how to get it?

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