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Messages - Eris

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Not Buying and Here's Why
« on: January 01, 2008, 06:07:36 am »
Aquaria is one of those games that you can judge a person by what they think of it.

Gameplay / Re: Why I like this game but de-installed it (**spoilers**)
« on: December 25, 2007, 03:40:53 am »
See, that pisses me off even more. I know the game isn't perfect. I never pretended it was perfect. In fact now I hate it more than anything, except myself.

In fact the way you're treating me as if I'm an idiot who can't realize that his own game is worthless shit is really insulting.

You're joking right? You have to be kidding. Aquaria is awesome. If you aren't kidding, then you really should seek professional help and get on some kind of medication.

Oh, and I don't think Aquaria is too difficult. It's refreshing to play a game that doesn't treat me like an imbecile.

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