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Messages - Marsu79

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Aquaria crashes on load
« on: May 11, 2010, 11:47:48 am »
I have the same problem, with both Catalyst 9.3 and 10.2 (the most recent for my card)

AMD X2 4400+
Ati X1950 GT
2GB ram
Windows XP

last lines of debug log with default settings:
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [gui/recipes-button] ref: 1 idx: 48
PRECACHING: gfx/gui/resolution.png
pos [18], file :gfx/gui/resolution.png
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [gui/resolution] ref: 1 idx: 49
PRECACHING: gfx/gui/ripples.png
pos [15], file :gfx/gui/ripples.png
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [gui/ripples] ref: 1 idx: 50
PRECACHING: gfx/gui/save-menu.png
pos [17], file :gfx/gui/save-menu.png
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [gui/save-menu] ref: 1 idx: 51
PRECACHING: gfx/gui/savescreendefault.png
pos [25], file :gfx/gui/savescreendefault.png

interestingly, with framebuffer-effects disabled it crashes here:
pos [-1], file :gfx/cursor-burst
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [cursor-burst] ref: 1 idx: 7
pos [-1], file :gfx/cursor-swim
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [cursor-swim] ref: 1 idx: 8
pos [-1], file :gfx/cursor-sing
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [cursor-sing] ref: 1 idx: 9
dark layer init
Loading EXT_framebuffer_object (256, 256)
Dark Layer: using framebuffer
dark layer togle...
Creating console
pos [-1], file :gfx/glow

now why does it say "using framebuffer" if I explicitely disabled it? And why does it NOT happen this way if I disable fullscreen and V-sync too? weird.

After reading the thread " How to Download the Latest Version: 1.1.1 " which mentions a Version 1.1.2 (which is supposed to fix ATI-Problems!)  I checked my Version. It is 1.1.1 (downloaded from the humble bundle).

Does this mystical 1.1.2 version exist outside of steam? If so, why give a version that causes ATI-trouble with the humble bundle?

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