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Messages - hihi

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Naija memories and new ending
« on: December 25, 2007, 03:31:16 am »
Thanks. I will try to search next time :)

Gameplay / Naija memories and new ending
« on: December 24, 2007, 03:23:19 pm »
I just get all Naija memories. As soon as I get the 3rd memory, it says new ending. I guess it means having all 3 memories will unlock a new ending.

The problem is now this is my first play. I have not see the original ending yet.

If I have all 3 memories, does that mean I will no longer see the normal ending? Or having all 3 memories will extend the ending instead of getting a totally different ending? Thanks :)

Gameplay / Re: Can't Find Veil Crab Miniboss
« on: December 24, 2007, 05:37:43 am »
Hahaha. Thanks for the reply. What I can get it is, I haven't reach there yet. Thanks :)

Gameplay / Re: Can't Find Veil Crab Miniboss
« on: December 24, 2007, 04:59:35 am »
I get it now. I am in The Veil not The Ice Veil. I guess that's the reason I can't find it.

Now I am kinda lost. Where is The Ice Veil? I am currently in the area of Sun Temple Entrance.

The area is huge, which is actually has 2 part separated by the Sun Temple. The other part has the Ancient Turtle. And further to the west, there is another Ancient Turtle which the Turtle Cave nearby.

Inside the Turtle Cave, there is bubble. I get the Urchin Armor there.

Is that the place you meant? Or it is somewhere else?

Thanks :)

Gameplay / Can't Find Veil Crab Miniboss
« on: December 24, 2007, 01:23:11 am »
Hi guys. I am at the Veil, east part with the Ancient Turtle.

I go to the upper east where you need to swim with Beast Form then jump the wall to get to the top.

I don't see any bubbles there to jump to the Bubble Cave.

Can anyone tell me where is the location? An image would be nice.

Also, if I finish the game, beating the last boss, can I still play the game to get all the treasures? Or it must be done before that? Something like game+ in most console game? Does that exist?

Thanks :)

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