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Messages - xandu2

Pages: [1]
Modding / Re: MODS LIST
« on: May 11, 2010, 11:44:04 pm »
Thanks for the various advice man, I have reformatted my post in here to look like part of the list and started a new main thread for my mod. I am just getting used to this whole idea of putting things I made up for consumption by others... I fully expect to be scathingly judged by the intarwebz masses now that I have a download up! Seriously though, this was a lot of fun and makes my Aquaria seem all personalized and new. I have taken your suggestion into consideration; the current files on my computer are stored as 1.0, so if I do make a fancier version I'll probably lighten up the markings, assuming you are referring to her upper arms being kind of dark.

Modding / Human Naija plus Headband
« on: May 11, 2010, 11:28:39 pm »
Alright everyone, here goes nothing! We have, for your pleasure, HUMAN NAIJA WITH LONG, RED HEADBAND!
Feet and ears are no longer webbed, skin is flesh-tone, and I even added a headband which links into an extended cape graphic, which replaces the fin thingy.

I still think the feet ended up a little big (believe it or not, they're already smaller than Li's ), and it'll take someone with actual SCRIPTING KNOWLEDGE to get the headband-to-cape connection looking any better. Additionally, I left certain callbacks to the fishy "dappled" marks on her shoulders intentionally, as I think they now look kinda cute, like shoulder freckles (which some girls are embarrassed about? I always thought they were nice...). However, if people still think the shoulders/upper arms are too tan, I can always lighten them up a bit, though I seemed to think they agreed pretty well with the shading.
Download on dropbox: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6997638/Human%20Naija%20plus%20Long%20Headband%20by%20Xandu2.rar
Installation instructions, naturally, included in the readme.
Suggestions are welcome; I am thinking about maybe changing the hair color to something more normal for a human, as natural pure white really only happens to anime characters (and particularly awesome old people).

Modding / Re: MODS LIST
« on: May 11, 2010, 12:27:20 pm »
Dunno why I made it, it was a creative rush today after seeing a lot of sprite mods, particularly those of Alphasoldier, and getting inspired to create my own Aquarian experience! At this point, I think I made the feet too long (still kinda look like fins), if this grabs any attention then maybe fixed feet, versions without the headband (or without it extending to the cape), and even other costume conversions (since this is only default najia).
Many apologies in that I do not yet have it uploaded, but CMON IT IS 4:30 AM HERE WE'LL GET TO THAT TOMORROW!
Now available here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6997638/Human%20Naija%20plus%20Long%20Headband%20by%20Xandu2.rar
Thread: http://www.bit-blot.com/forum/index.php?topic=2102.0

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