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Messages - Alitar

Pages: [1]
Well Alec has been putting work into making the game widescreen and adressing various people's problems on the boards here.  You'll notice he did attempt to fix the problem.  But it's hard to fix something when you don't know what's wrong.  And it's like Alec said, he doesn't exactly have the problem handy for troubleshooting purposes.  Would somebody like to volunteer to be his guinea pig?  I would do it but the computer in question is at my parent's house and I'm hundreds of miles away.

As I posted in the third page, I wouldn't mind helping him to find this bug. I have a computer where I can reproduce it and where his intial fix helped solving the problem ;)



Support / Re: Can see intro and cursor, but rest of game is black screen
« on: February 21, 2008, 10:27:56 pm »
I haven't been contacted by Alec yet (maybe my time zone is bad compared to his... :( )



Support / Re: Can see intro and cursor, but rest of game is black screen
« on: February 20, 2008, 09:09:08 am »
Yeah, this is true.

Does anyone with this problem have MSN or AIM (or another Instant Messenger?) and some free time?

I'd love to try to fix this, but since I can't replicate the problem myself, I need someone who has the problem to test out some builds for me. It might be kinda a long and slow process, so only apply if you're willing to get into some hot and heavy debugging with me. ;)

(actually, its pretty fun if you're into problem solving!)

I would be willing to do this :) If it's more than 2-3 hours I would prefer on a weekend, but I can try to work something during normal days. I'm in GMT+1 (Spain). My msn is the same as the email in my user profile in this forum :)



Support / Re: Can see intro and cursor, but rest of game is black screen
« on: December 24, 2007, 08:00:41 pm »
Well, at least I can get to the dark areas  :) I'm going to get a new computer in 2 weeks more or less so I hope I won't find this problem again...


Support / Re: Can see intro and cursor, but rest of game is black screen
« on: December 24, 2007, 09:29:30 am »
It works, it works! :) Thanks a lot for your support Alec, what an amazing work you are doing guys :)


Support / Re: Can see intro and cursor, but rest of game is black screen
« on: December 23, 2007, 09:28:03 pm »
I emailed you Alec from gravityage [AT] gmail [DOT] com for information about the modified .EXE. Regards

Support / Re: Can see intro and cursor, but rest of game is black screen
« on: December 22, 2007, 10:17:02 am »
I  had exactly the same problem and it went away when I installed path 1.0.3. I have an ATI 9600 PRO 128MB mobility and Windows Vista Ultimate 32 bits (Dell laptop). I tried all kind of things (windows update drivers, omega drivers, the drivers modification tool,...) and nothing worked, but now with patch 1.0.3 it seems to work (I haven't tested it much, but at least I can see now the menu screen :p).

Edit: nah, it doesn't work either :( It only worked the first time, if I go out and re enter the game then I get a black screen (with Framebuffer effects on) or randon garbage (without Framebuffer effects). I have tried also running Aquaria on XP SP2 compatibility mode, disabling aero,...

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