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Messages - y-aji

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Title Song - Suggestion
« on: May 09, 2010, 12:36:46 am »
Heh, I guess you're right. I mean no insult.. Obviously, that's the games theme song, essentially, it's just really sharp..

General / Title Song - Suggestion
« on: May 08, 2010, 09:00:50 pm »
Let me start by saying, this game is awesome. I picked up the Humble Indie Bundle totally just to get this game. Whenever I actually get some spending money, I will be definitely buying this game explicitly.

Anyway, as the title says, I had a suggestion for the intro title song. It starts up with the bit blot intro which I love, but then it goes straight into what seems to be the overture of a song. It's really loud. I noticed about 15 seconds in, it gets to a more casual part of the song and just wanted to say that it might make the title music a little more enjoyable if it starts at the quieter point of the song.

I know, that's totally pointless and silly, but admittedly, when I first demoed the game, I noticed it right away.. I was thinking something kind of like this:


Is that silly? Am I being overpicky? I added it to the aquaria/mus folder and replaced the old title with this one.

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