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Messages - mospheric

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Major issues/unplayable
« on: May 08, 2010, 10:57:27 pm »
Ok I seemed to fixed all these problems by finally getting ATI catalyst control center 10.4 to take. It took me 2-3 times of trying to get it installed. Once I did, the game works as suppose to!

Basically make sure you uninstall previous drivers, do a driver sweep of ati drivers, then reboot and install the newest drivers... hopefully no further problems :P

Support / Re: Major issues/unplayable
« on: May 08, 2010, 07:06:55 pm »
Hmm, reinstalling did not help. If I alt-tab away, the game actually proceeds to the main menu. (Still at 1fps). I usually have to click to close the window though since it is unplayable. The windows report appears and notifies that the fault module name is now atioglxx.dll_unloaded

This ati problem is the same issue I'm having with Gish, Aquaria, and Penumbra (all part of the humble pack).

Support / Re: Major issues/unplayable
« on: May 08, 2010, 06:45:43 pm »
Hmm. I tried Scale's approach. When I went to the OpenGLDrivers, I didn't even have the ati2dvag.

When I play the game in windowed mode, when the logo appears, I get the 1fps issue. After the logo, a scene appears of a valley with a dragon to the right (while still at 1fps). The scene fades to white and then the game crashes.

The windows crash report says that the fault module name is OPENGL32.dll

I'll try reinstalling and maybe installing the newest Opengl separately.

Support / Re: Major issues/unplayable
« on: May 08, 2010, 06:36:07 pm »
So my story is that I bought this game as part of the Humble Indie Bundle. I cannot get it to work at all, and I'm getting similar problems that are described above. I'm actually new to PC. Who knew that PC games are so hard to get to run! I'm a QA tester at work, so I'm going to try my hardest to get it to work. If anyone needs logs, etc. just let me know.

I just bought a Dell xps 9000, with a Radeon HD 5870 graphics card. I'm running windows 7, x64. I just assumed these hoss graphics cards would work wonders, but I guess it's mostly that ATI doesn't support older games well with newer drivers? (I can only get 2 games out of the humble bundle to run *sadface* )

I'm getting an atioglxx issue too. I'm going to try the above method involving changing the dll and see what happens. :P

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