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Messages - Wintermancer

Pages: [1]
Games / Re: Marian: by Infinite Ammo
« on: January 06, 2009, 08:46:03 am »
We have a couple other projects we have to finish first, and in the meanwhile we're trying to see what our options are for funding Marian. The budgeting and scheduling will likely be related to how much funds we can put together and where its coming from. (i.e. if its coming from a government fund, we'll probably have rigid milestones, but we might have to wait a long time to get approved. If its a private investment, it could be anything)

It also depends how we're going to release the game, and we have a couple different options to look at for that as well...

I would have thought the money you earned from Aquaria would be more than enough to invest in your next project(s).

Gameplay / Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« on: December 26, 2007, 08:58:27 am »
Nautilus Prime:
Move around her until you can shoot her head, and do so. Also avoid tiny nautilus enemies.
A great way to make taking out the nautilus easier is the carry the bound rock behind you during the fight.  It wrecks havoc on the little spawned nautilus baddies as they try to attack you from behind.  And every once in a while when moving around, the big nautilus runs into the rock, taking damage. 

Gameplay / Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« on: December 23, 2007, 02:15:03 pm »
Sorry, loke, but absorbing projectiles definitely does not work in spirit form (I am running 1.0.3 of Aquaria). I have tried it several times and there is no effect at all.

If it worked in previous versions, I can't tell. If that was the case, then Alec either deliberately or accidentally removed it from the game. May be he can give us the answer.
I'm using version 2007.12.17 (should be the most recent version) and used this ability on the first form of the final boss right now.  It's there all right.

Gameplay / Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« on: December 23, 2007, 10:12:30 am »
my vote is the girl is their daughter, and the boy is their son, and the next game will involve their two quests, one underwater and one in the sky, which will seem separate at first but become intertwined.
I agree that the girl and the boy are likely children of Naija.  I think the intro picture is the explanation for everything.  It shows Naija captured in a blue crystal. This is the same way other creatures in the game are captured. It suggests that Mia did this to Naija so that Naija could not interrupt Mia's plans for conquest above the sea. But the son, without his mother, goes searching throughout Aquaria because his mother is gone.  Eventually he finds the crystal and touching it, just like Naija does in the main story with various creatures, he finds her there and gets information about what has happened, her memories become his. When in the story Naija is telling her story to you, it's really her telling her story to her son, now grown because as a baby he never had an opportunity to know.   He learns the story that you just played out through to the end. He's flying off to find Mia and confront her to get his mother back.

That's my theory anyway.  (This game is like a cross between Ecco and Metroid, though way better than Ecco; the large jellyfish in Mithalas look very much like a Metroid head sucker.) (I'm amazed at how large the game is, and I really appreciate an ending with substance, way better than the original Metroid.)

Support / small eye and fish oil
« on: December 22, 2007, 08:48:05 pm »
When combining the small eye with fish oil I get sea loaf.  However, this recipe doesn't show up in the recipe book, should it?

Support / In the veil invisible fish
« on: December 21, 2007, 11:42:14 am »
When in beast form, biting through the water there are areas where I've eaten all the fish.  However, when continuing to "eat" in beast form it acts like I've eaten fish even though there are no fish to be seen.

General / Recipe list should show the function of the individual recipes
« on: December 21, 2007, 09:24:54 am »
I think it would be helpful if the recipe cookbook would show the function of each of the recipes beside the entry.  This would save from having to keep my own written list, especially when I've used up all of a certain type and don't have examples to decide what to make more of.

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