« on: May 08, 2010, 02:32:28 pm »
I got the game as part of the Humble Indie Bundle, which I was (and am) really excited about.
However when I start it, I don't see a menu screen, I just see a black screen with the circular mouse cursor. I can move it around and it lights up when it's over a viable menu option. When I click it, it works (prompts me to start a new game, load a save game, exit the program, etc.)
If I start a new game, I can see my cursor and the minimap in the bottom right corner but everything else on the screen is black. I can double click the minimap and see the big map, and I can move my character around and sing, but I don't see anything but black...
I updated my graphics driver this morning to the latest - here's my configuration:
Lenovo T400
Win 7 Enterprise
Intel graphics
blah blah blah, everything else should be normal :-)
Any help would be appreciated! I tried re-downloading the game and it didn't help...