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Messages - donjaime

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Trailer praising/stomping thread
« on: March 25, 2007, 04:04:23 am »
I've seen the IGF build of the game, and I have to say that the way they tell the story using the voice over, without pausing the action to go to a cut scene, is really well done. Also, the music is excellent. I'm definitely buying this game when it comes out.

General / Re: Wii
« on: March 18, 2007, 01:02:00 am »
You can sync the Wii remote to your computer and capture input via some open source scripts that are widely available.

www.wiili.org for some more information. Most of the script examples are written in python, but should be easily portable to LUA.

Your game would really only need the pointer functionality (which for your control scheme, could potentially work alot better than the mouse does).

If after you release the game for PC, it may be worth fooling around with to kinda get a feel for how it would work as a wii title. And you wouldn't need anything more than bluetooth connectivity for your dev machine and a wii mote.

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