General / Just finished, thanks for a great game experience!
« on: May 07, 2010, 06:04:33 am »
Hey guys,
just finished Aquaria (the full ending), and wow, what can I say!
I was almost done the game, but I got a little apprehensive after the King Jelly fish battle (tough bugger
). The ending was hard (for me anyway), I had to try about 6 times, got more prepared, and finally nailed it.
I have to say that this game experience... scratch that... journey is one of the best I've played. This reminds me of the Ninja Gaiden/FF3(US version)/Grandia 2 days! IMHO this game, and others like it are works of art, truly are. This is one of the few games where everything comes together in harmony (lets call it a minor 3rd
From what I understand there were basically only two guys that created Aquaria. Alec and Derek, making a game of this scope must have taken a lot out of you. Hopefully you got a sense of accomplishment from it, because you should!! The music is awesome (I already bought the soundtrack w/ signed poster!). The story is what really pulled me in, truly truly top drawer, I'm talking like Firefly level of storytelling. You could make this into a series of novels.
And on top of it all, a prairie boy! I'm one province to the left.
Thanks for creating a great universe for us to get drawn into. Looking forward to Marian, and any other future projects you have.
Take care all.
just finished Aquaria (the full ending), and wow, what can I say!
I was almost done the game, but I got a little apprehensive after the King Jelly fish battle (tough bugger

I have to say that this game experience... scratch that... journey is one of the best I've played. This reminds me of the Ninja Gaiden/FF3(US version)/Grandia 2 days! IMHO this game, and others like it are works of art, truly are. This is one of the few games where everything comes together in harmony (lets call it a minor 3rd

From what I understand there were basically only two guys that created Aquaria. Alec and Derek, making a game of this scope must have taken a lot out of you. Hopefully you got a sense of accomplishment from it, because you should!! The music is awesome (I already bought the soundtrack w/ signed poster!). The story is what really pulled me in, truly truly top drawer, I'm talking like Firefly level of storytelling. You could make this into a series of novels.
And on top of it all, a prairie boy! I'm one province to the left.
Thanks for creating a great universe for us to get drawn into. Looking forward to Marian, and any other future projects you have.
Take care all.