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Messages - Nypyren

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Unknown zone marker on minimap! Need Help.
« on: December 20, 2007, 09:47:59 am »
I might have also missed the joke, but I thought that was just a small issue where the markers 'inside' the whale were showing up outside.  The inside of the whale is probably larger than the room he's sitting in (I haven't measured), and there are the separate rooms inside the whale that are probably marked (I haven't checked to be sure, though).

Gameplay / Re: Aquaria Speed Runs
« on: December 20, 2007, 09:31:17 am »
**** SPOILERS ****

3:51, but I had to backtrack a lot.

I went:  Bind -> Energy -> Nautilus(wasteful) -> Beast -> Li -> Sun -> Nature -> Spirit -> Fish(wasteful, should have got before Spirit) -> Whale(wasteful) -> King Jelly(probably worth the 5 minute battle) -> Endgame.

I only bothered getting 2/5 Verse Eggs (Whale:Orange and Kelp:Purple) and two treasures (Tooth, Jellysuit)

What I could have done better:  After getting beast form I should have grabbed the Turtle in Open Waters and come back from the Veil using the turtle.  I should have gone for the Fish form before spirit form.  I should have gone after the other eggs instead of the ones that were off-course, but I forgot where the other three are.

It seems like it could be done easily in less than 3 hours if you plan ahead.

Gameplay / Re: Two suggestions
« on: December 19, 2007, 10:18:09 pm »
The initial Li 'encounter' could probably be helped by just making the camera lock onto him the moment you see him 'outside', and script him to swim to his cave without having to chase him.  Leave the camera locked onto him until he enters his cave, and it should be obvious to most players to go in after him.

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