Support / Re: Aquaria crashes on load
« on: May 07, 2010, 01:43:40 pm »
Okay... got the info from the Debug log.
Man... that's a lot of errors... :-/
pos [-1], file :gfx/water/water-line
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [water/water-line] ref: 1 idx: 785
fromScene: trainingcave fromWarpType: l
warping avatar to node: warp trainingcave r
pos [-1], file :gfx/menu2
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [menu2] ref: 1 idx: 786
pos [-1], file :gfx/formupgrades/energyidol-charged
***Could not find texture: gfx/formupgrades/energyidol-charged
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [formupgrades/energyidol-charged] ref: 1 idx: 787
pos [-1], file :gfx/areyousure
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [areyousure] ref: 1 idx: 788
pos [-1], file :gfx/yes
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [yes] ref: 1 idx: 789
pos [-1], file :gfx/no
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [no] ref: 1 idx: 790
setting flag [600] to 0
luaScriptError: orbholder : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: EnergyOrb : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: jellysmall : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: jellysmall : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: jellysmall : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: jellysmall : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: jellysmall : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: jellysmall : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: jellysmall : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: jellysmall : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: jellysmall : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: moneyebreeder : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: crotoid : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: crotoid : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: moneyebreeder : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: moneyebreeder : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: raspberry : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: crotoid : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: kingcrab : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: kingcrab : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: jelly : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: jelly : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: jelly : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: raspberry : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: raspberry : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: tromulo : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: tromulo : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: crotoid : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: orbholder : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: EnergyOrb : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: crotoid : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone3 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone3 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone2 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone2 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: shrimp : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: shrimp : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: raspberry : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: healthplant : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: healthplant : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: shrimp : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: shrimp : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: shrimp : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: eel : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: healthplant : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: healthplant : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: healthplant : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: healthplant : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: healthplant : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: scooter : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: scooter : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
Regular turtle
Lights off!
luaScriptError: healthplant : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: raspberry : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: raspberry : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: jelly : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songleaf : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songleaf : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songleaf : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songleaf : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songleaf : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songleaf : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songleaf : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songleaf : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songleaf : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songleaf : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songleaf : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: seahorsebaby : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songleaf : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songleaf : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songleaf : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songleaf : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songleaf : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songleaf : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songleaf : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songleaf : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songleaf : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: tromulo : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: tromulo : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: eel : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
playMusic: openwaters
in initAvatar
changeForm: 0
lastForm: 0
done initAvatar
Done initAvatar
reset timer
paths init
pos [-1], file :gfx/nautilusprime-body
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [nautilusprime-body] ref: 1 idx: 791
pos [-1], file :gfx/nautilusprime-tentacles
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [nautilusprime-tentacles] ref: 1 idx: 792
pos [-1], file :gfx/nautilusprime-eye
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [nautilusprime-eye] ref: 1 idx: 793
Updating bgSfxLoop
loading map init script
fading in
I'd lived as a feral creature, not thinking beyond the simplest desires...
transturtle : attempt to call a nil value animationKey
Man... that's a lot of errors... :-/