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Messages - Neuromante

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All right, backtracking then. Thanks to you bot for the answers!

Oh, but you can always just say "Yeah, when the final boss is defeated you will have to re-load your previous savegame to keep exploring" or "No, you can still exploring after defeating the final boss". Although I'm guessing I've done right taking the bus to upper places before finishing him off.
(It's just it's not the same reloading the game after you already had defeated the boss than playing and end your game with the boss defeat :V)

(Very clever placement, to be honest. Veeery clever placement)

Support / Re: Aquaria crashes on load
« on: February 10, 2011, 01:49:34 pm »
Sorry for the late answer, but I guess this could be helpful:

After the guys at the indie bundle allowed the customers to link their games to their Steam accounts, I linked my bundle, downloaded the steam version, tried the game and it ran like a charm. Maybe the humble bundle version and the steam version are different, maybe steam thrown a magic spell over the game so it could run in my computer, but no driver problems, no crashes, just a charming gaming experiencie.

And again, sorry for answering my old thread, but given I found "a solution" one year before... ^^u

Hello all!

After over 14 hours, I think I'm on the final boss (In the deepier part of the abyss, the one who kidnaps Li in statue form and then ran away), but I got a strange "Once you beat him you will not be able to explore further" feeling. I know I got several things to be discovered (over three bosses, some locations, recipes, etc given the achievements I got blocked yet, plus several treasures, the fact that I can't go through steam streams), and I would like to know if, after kicking this final boss ass I will be allowed to explore further on the game or if I will have to reload the last savegame to track back all my way to "the veil".

(Please notice I'm just asking about the ability to continue after the final boss fight, not on hints on how to get the things I don't have yet, I wanna discover them by myself, thanks ;) )

Support / Re: Aquaria crashes on load
« on: May 08, 2010, 10:41:10 am »
If it crashes trying to load a particular graphics file, you may have a corrupt installer or some other problem with the install path. But usually, if none of the graphics load, the game should just start up with all blank textures - so it might be some weird video card or driver related issue, like running out of VRAM or something odd.

So, any suggestions on what to do? I redownloaded the game twice (again, as I said in my first post) just to uncheck the "corrupt installer" problem, and I'm getting the same problem with the demo.

I'm begginning to think about going back to the old drivers to see if the game works, but without a clue on "why" it's happening it's a bit risky :s

EDIT: All right, old-manufacturer-drivers installed, and the game works. Just hope other games (Wich potentially needed newer drivers) still running fine.
There's any know reason for this behavior? There's some kind of patch in work to fix that?

EDIT2: Forget about it. Trying to run penumbra -same settings, old drivers- gives me an excellent amount of 12fps, rendering the game almost unplayable. Gonna reinstall new fresh drivers (Wich filename is 9-3-mobile_xp32_dd_ccc_enu.exe, just for the record) and keep waiting a realistic solution. Again: There's any kind of patch/fix in progress to solve that kind of crashes? Seems I'm not the only one having them, and its a pity we can't play the game with the new drivers...

Support / Re: Aquaria crashes on load
« on: May 07, 2010, 10:19:47 am »
Posting debug.log. Settings are: VSync ON, Fullscreen OFF, Frame Buffer Effects ON, Gamepad enabled OFF, Resolution 1024*768. Deactivating VSync and Frame Buffer Effects results in the same debug.log file:

LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [gui/recipes-button] ref: 1 idx: 48
PRECACHING: gfx/gui/resolution.png
pos [18], file :gfx/gui/resolution.png
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [gui/resolution] ref: 1 idx: 49
PRECACHING: gfx/gui/ripples.png
pos [15], file :gfx/gui/ripples.png
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [gui/ripples] ref: 1 idx: 50
PRECACHING: gfx/gui/save-menu.png
pos [17], file :gfx/gui/save-menu.png
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [gui/save-menu] ref: 1 idx: 51
PRECACHING: gfx/gui/savescreendefault.png
pos [25], file :gfx/gui/savescreendefault.png
The file "savescreendefault.png" it's fine and in its folder.

Seems the problem its in the same point that SanitysEdge. Also, if I open the game with the default settings, I don't get a debug.log file.

I've been running aquaria deleting the last file noted in the debug.log. Seems there are MANY texture/particle files wich gives me problems: savescreendefault.png, bigglow.png, energy-charge1.png, energy-charge2.png, energyboss.png, newtblast.png.
Then it pointed to an (apparently) unexistant folder (gfx/shock-lines) and I gave up.
Posting again, but with Fullscreen setting ON and 1440*900 (Maximun resolution for my laptop):
done loadFonts
pos [-1], file :gfx/cursor
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [cursor] ref: 1 idx: 5
pos [-1], file :gfx/cursor-look
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [cursor-look] ref: 1 idx: 6
pos [-1], file :gfx/cursor-burst
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [cursor-burst] ref: 1 idx: 7
pos [-1], file :gfx/cursor-swim
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [cursor-swim] ref: 1 idx: 8
pos [-1], file :gfx/cursor-sing
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [cursor-sing] ref: 1 idx: 9
dark layer init
Loading EXT_framebuffer_object (256, 256)
Dark Layer: using framebuffer
dark layer togle...
Creating console
pos [-1], file :gfx/glow

Support / Re: Aquaria crashes on load
« on: May 06, 2010, 10:25:57 pm »
Impossible! xD

As I said in my first post, the drivers are updated. Las time I downloaded "new version" was in 2009 (The Catalyst control center its from 2009, the driver version seems to be 8.591-090225a-076831C-ATI).

I played the demo almost in launch time with outdated drivers (Those who came "out of the box" with my laptop, wich are over 4 years old) and it worked fine. Seems pretty ironic, heh.

There's some kind of known incompatibility between those drivers and Aquaria?

Support / Aquaria crashes on load
« on: May 06, 2010, 12:05:40 pm »
UPDATE: Solved installing the old, out-of-the-box laptop graphic card drivers.

Hey all. Just bought the game via Humble Indie Bundle, downloaded and tried it.
As the title of the thread reads, Aquaria crashes when the initial loading bar it's over 60% filled. So, there's some data:

- Using the default configuration makes the game crash before even start.
- It seems its the ONLY configuration wich crashes before the game starts.
- All other configs I've tried crashes as explained above.
- I've tried checking/unchecking all the options in almost all the possible combinations, and the error persists.
- Downloaded twice the game, just if the initial download was corrupted.
- Tried to install in a custom path (C:/Games/Aquaria) and in the default one (C:/Program Files/Aquaria).

Little image on when the error happens. Left side of the Aquaria window, the blue shining is the progress of the loading bar.

Graphic Card-related error?

I hope you don't think I was going to leave without my specs:
Dell Inspiron 9200, wich means:
· ATI Mobility X1400 (Drivers kind of updated via extrange link to official, -don't gonna check if you got the laptop from dell- installer.
· 2 GHZ Core 2 Duo processor.
· 2GB RAM memory.
· Windows XP Professional service pack 3.
· Also, I have a Linux Mint Helena installed in dual boot with the XP, but I haven't tried the game on it.
Re-Updated: Ok, tried on it and the game runs without problems, just a really slow framerate (I think's due a poor driver configuration/standard distro drivers use).

The file debug.log seems too long for the post. If it's necesary I'll upload to my host, and link it.

I think I'm not forgetting nothing. Any idea on where's the problem?

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