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Messages - doninss

Pages: [1] 2
General / Re: Monkey in the ice
« on: March 21, 2009, 01:51:17 am »
They (it) are easy to miss. My avatar is very old, btw.

Games / Re: Our Favorite Downloadable Games
« on: March 13, 2008, 09:01:24 am »
An Untitled Story was great.

Here's a few others that I also like.
Albero and the Great Blue Emblem
Gregg the Egg

Edit: Had to add Dim. It's been kicking my butt, but I been lovin' it. Oh, and YMM released FlaiL today. (Same link.)

Games / Re: Eternal Daughter...I kind of can't play it...
« on: February 07, 2008, 08:01:53 am »
The PG walkthrough can be found at the wayback machine. Spoiler: The programmer dude with a blue monkey and a triforce over his monitor has it linked at his site.

Gameplay / Re: need help with the singing challenge
« on: January 22, 2008, 06:58:21 am »
Wrong forum?

Um, well, getting one of the grand-kids to do it might work. (Worked for me.)

General / Re: I just learned about the vibe...
« on: January 22, 2008, 06:53:43 am »
I also enjoyed the article (your take, and the writing style). *Bookmarked*

Thanks, Xiagan.

Support / Re: cannot map numeric keypad controls
« on: January 05, 2008, 04:35:02 am »
A simple set of remaps using AutoHotKey should solve your problem. I have tried remapping numpad8, 4, 2, and 6 to wasd, and it works fine.

Edit: Speeling.

General / Re: Hmm, First Negative Review?
« on: January 05, 2008, 01:46:02 am »

Best programming language ever.

Nibbles was the other classic. ;)
I loved that language. So accessible.

Oh, BTW, that review at GFAQs is gone. Apparently 1337toothbrush's advice was heeded. http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=937798&topic=40378652

Support / Re: Sun Temple glitch...
« on: December 29, 2007, 04:48:14 am »
Edit: never mind.

You can actually get out of that narrow space though. (I went in on purpose once. <_< )

General / Re: Hmm, First Negative Review?
« on: December 27, 2007, 07:07:48 am »
He also gave GTA: San Andreas (PC) a 5/10. Gamerankings has GTA: SA at  92% (60 media outlets), and 8.5 (419 user votes). His credibility is somewhat suspect.

General / Gamepad utilities.
« on: December 27, 2007, 03:30:56 am »
I'm sure the old gamepad hands know about these, but anyway.

JoyToKey. Assign keystrokes, mouse buttons, mouse wheel movement, and mouse movement to gamepad buttons and axes. Turbo. Simple GUI interface. Multiple profiles.

AutoHotKey. Everything above, and more. (Toggle keys, and mouse buttons on and off for example.) Much more power, much more work.

Joypad inputs will get to the game as well as the emulated input (if the game is looking for it). With key presses it doesn't matter, the key press is registered along with the joypad input. The mouse cursor is centered on Naija when the game receives joy input however.

Possibilities: Assign songs to the POV hat (D-Pad); Use the sticks to zoom and move the map; "Look" with the joypad (this is limited to about half the distance that the mouse gives, but you can swim and have it automatically look in the direction you're swimming); Save your finger sanity with turbo fire; Have the mouse swimming physics (momentum after input ceases) while using the joypad. There are some side effects to some of these (mouse cursor showing).

General / Re: Aquaria's officially made it to the big times!!
« on: December 25, 2007, 08:03:09 pm »
A couple of misplaced charged shots: http://www.genericgamer.com/Aquaria/HLSH.jpg (!!!Spoiler and sensibilty alert!!!)

Support / Re: Aquaria and Gamepads
« on: December 20, 2007, 06:00:03 am »
Bit late <_< for most of the previous posters probably, but perhaps this will help someone else.

I'm playing with a Xbox controller S (from the original Xbox), and the game refuses to recognize the right analog stick for me as well. I've tried every number from 0-9 for the axes, but still nothing. This is so far the only game I've had this problem with, so it's not the controller or the driver that causes the problem.

Any help solving this would be appreciated :)

I'm using the same controller (XboX S) with XBCD drivers (Ver 1.03 I think). I am able to aim with the right stick with s2ax="3" s2ay="2"  in the usersettings file (Joy axes line). I also have the right stick Y axis set to +Z and -Z (Down and Up), and X axis set to RZ+ and RZ- (Right and Left) in XBCD setup though. http://www.genericgamer.com/Aquaria/XBCD.jpg I am also able to aim with the right stick even with auto-aim on (although there is problem with auto-aim when not moving).


Finally, I'm a bit of an odd ball, but using a gamepad and mouse (analog movement with mouse aim on the cursor) doesn't exactly work. Try it. You'll see what's wrong.  ...

I am also an oddball and would love to try mouse and analog stick movement in combination. I tried (and liked) playing with WASD and mouse, but I'm a finger klutz when the pressure is on. But yeah, the problem is the game centers the cursor on Naija as soon as it detects any joy input. One could (and I may) map the stick to WASD with JoyToKey or AutoHotKey and turn off the joypad sensing with aqconfig. Then you're back to digital input though, analog is so much smoother.

I have tried JoyToKey for mapping songs to D-pad, seems to work fine. I also experimented with turbo-fire. (My fingers tire easily.) <_<

Is there a button for looking, like the middle mouse button? Its a feature I miss when I use the controller.

You can use AutoHotkey to map the Mmouse button to a joypad button. You don't get full effect though. If you are swimming and hit it, the camera moves in the direction of movement about half of what it does using the mouse. If you are sitting still and hit it, then the right stick (if it is set up to aim) will move the camera about half of what the mouse would. Better than nothing, but for long distance sniping the mouse rules.

Something I miss when using the controller is way Naija slows to a stop with the the mouse. It's much more natural looking underwater than the abrupt stop with joypad or keyboard. Gameplay design decision?

EDIT: One more thing. Using the AutoHotkey script above in conjunction with JoyToKey to map the mouse movement to one stick and the mouse wheel to the other, you can zoom and move the map around with the joypad.

Support / Re: Inverting gamepad axis
« on: December 18, 2007, 11:10:48 pm »
The xbox controller is basically a usb controller from the git-go. The XBCD drivers are great. So maybe that  I was able to reverse either axis on either stick easily with the XBCD driver. In my experience it's pretty durable. It has more buttons, but isn't quite as comfortable. You can hack the cord to adapt to PC USB, or pick up an adapter (cable) on Ebay fairly cheap.

I like the GCN controller, and prefer it with Joy2Key for keyboard input type games  (Tomb Raider, Ballance, emulators). The design of the XBCD driver setup interface, and the extra buttons swing me in favor of the Xbox controller for Aquaria though. If I could use the mouse and cursor with a joypad in Aquaria (hint hint), I'd probably use the GCN.

Support / Re: Two things I want before I buy it
« on: December 18, 2007, 09:39:43 am »
... What idiot invented 16:10/9 anyway??
Dr. Kerns Powers.

Support / Re: Inverting gamepad axis
« on: December 18, 2007, 09:29:21 am »
I've tried my GCN controller thru a EMS trio linker plus, default setting in Ver 3.9 of EMS drivers, s2ax="4" s2ay="3" in default_usersettings.xml. It aims up=up, down=down.

However, the EMS driver properties panel doesn't recognize the c-stick, so no reversing c-stick axes. It also doesn't recognize the A stick negative X axis. Great software. O_O I seem to remember reading about c-stick problems on Lik-Sang's forums. There gone now though, so I don't know.

I also tried my Xbox controller with the XBCD drivers. Those drivers rock.

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