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Messages - snowlord

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Linux version logs out my user
« on: May 05, 2010, 11:12:13 am »
OK, I found this bug report that seems to cover the issue (although I am not running 64 bit AFAIK):

"Segmentation fault on x86_64"

Support / Linux version logs out my user
« on: May 05, 2010, 11:09:36 am »

I bought the Humble pack yesterday and decided to try out Aquaria today. Since I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 I downloaded and installed the Linux version (in /home/<username>/programs/aquaria). When I run it (./aquaria when in that directory) the screen turns black, and my monitor complains about the resolution/frequency. It also turns out that my user is thrown out of my X session forcing me to log in again.

When running aquaria in a virtual console (with no X) I get a Segmentation fault.

Any ideas how to solve this?


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