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Messages - AquaReflection

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: questions...
« on: January 21, 2008, 03:31:10 pm »
From the sounds of it, you've managed to cause a glitch in the game. If you're entered the body while the "tongue" was still present, you bypassed a few critical events in the game. The remainder of this post contains spoilers so fair warning.

Li is originally found in the Veil (he's the oddly dressed diver who you can follow into a cave)
You'll need him to access the sunken city as he has the key to the lock.
Once you beat the sunken city, the "tongue" retracts in the body.

As a means to correct your glitch, you have 2 options.
The first is, unfortunately, starting over.
The second is by contacting Alec and explaining the situation. I've seen others make the same mistake/glitch you did and he was able to edit their save file, putting you, once again, in the proper condition to finish the storyline.

Gameplay / Re: Not Buying and Here's Why
« on: December 30, 2007, 07:17:25 am »
I've got to agree with all the replies. Part of the charm of Aquaria is that the player is in the same condition as the main character. She knows nothing outside her own world, nor of the abilities, flora, and fauna that she comes into contact with. Many of the moments in the game where Naija audibly gasps or is awed by her surroundings were moments where i did the same. Her curiosity, intrigue, and even anger became my own. We, as players, as forced to learn by experience and experimenting just as she has to. Many times, curiosity pays off. Having such an open environment allows us moments to bond with the character.

Getting from point A to point B can be tedious, but in time you learn to actually find it exciting. Outside of a few bugs that the developers have/are being fixed, if you can access a location, you can progress IN that location. Maybe you can't find everything that area offers the first time around, but you can certainly develop the storyline and your powers more. With each uncharted location, you find new ingredients, new foes, and new opportunities. After even an hour of game play, you realize that this story, this game, isn't about beating the game or about getting a high score, it's about playing the game. The journey from A to B is the true enjoyment. The boss battles are little  rewards, each with its own unique tactic and puzzle; puzzles whose solutions are often revealed during the game play. (The Mithalan boss for example)

As for the save points, I prefer set locations to save (ie; the crystals) because it keeps you emursed  in the story. It also turns many situations, such as boss battles, into much larger activities. The boss may be the end of a particular chapter in the story line, but traversing the dungeon before such fights is part of the battle.

Gameplay / Re: Sun Temple Boss Frustration
« on: December 18, 2007, 05:41:57 am »
To be honest, this was probably the fastest boss fight for me.
With the boss being so hectic and quick, i threw strategy out the window and just when on an all out rampage.
Beef up on perogi (roll + oil +egg) (add a mushroom afterwards if you've got some, rainbow work too), toss in some spicy rolls , set your pet to the blaster and let Li do what damage he can. I swam in circles around the boss, with the occasional minor heal + attack/defense boost and in a few seconds of rapid right clicking in energy mode, it was all over.
Normally i'm all about strategy but in this case, just boost your stats and unleash :)

Gameplay / Re: boss in murmogcave
« on: December 17, 2007, 04:32:32 am »
Best way to avoid being hit by her laser beam attack is to drop to the floor of the cave. She can't drop low enough for her laser to hit.

Gameplay / Re: boss in murmogcave
« on: December 17, 2007, 04:19:00 am »
I found that what  was easiest for me was to place my self against the floor.

Two options, easy one first

1.)  Blast her while shes bouncing around the room, if you're hanging on the floor or swimming close enough, she cant hit you. When she switches back into her alcove to launch her missile barrage at you, switch to Nadjia and use the shield spell. Most blasts will miss you and the few that do, reflect off.

2.) There is a perfection position on the floor, as mentioned above, that her missiles actually can't hit you due to the arc they have to make. Attach there and blast away in energy mode.

Either way, its a fairly long battle since most of your shots miss her when she's floating around, but if you beef up on Volcano rolls, or spicy rolls, she won't take long at all.

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