Gameplay / Home stretch help [[SPOILIERS AHOY!]]
« on: December 17, 2007, 12:58:26 am »
Chugged though this game is two days and epic is the word. Sadly, I have gotten all the way to the final boss's final form and have run out of ideas.. Eye is gone but I don't seem to be able to do any damage. I don't have anything to kill for the dual-form screen killer either so whats up?
edit-Is it worth completing this without all the memories and with? I have a save so I can go back with all memories found but I really don't want to beat the five circles of hell that is the last boss again just to get any extended, uncut version of the same spiel.
edit-Is it worth completing this without all the memories and with? I have a save so I can go back with all memories found but I really don't want to beat the five circles of hell that is the last boss again just to get any extended, uncut version of the same spiel.