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Messages - w1ngzer0

Pages: [1] 2
hahahaha i fell out of my chair.... hahaha

thank you Alec and email sent.

Do i need to buy the game again? I looked all over my yahoo for the email, but even that's gone.  I obviously won't post it over the forums, but i can give my CC#, my address, anything you need to look up my purchase.   :-[

Gameplay / Re: Jungle, City, Or Abyss. Where do i go? :(
« on: December 21, 2007, 10:10:31 pm »
got it. forgot the spin thing did it.

Gameplay / Re: Jungle, City, Or Abyss. Where do i go? :(
« on: December 21, 2007, 09:41:12 am »
alright, i got the obvious sprites and freed Li. Now what? i can't blow up the stomic muscle that spews out little weird things.

Gameplay / Re: Two suggestions
« on: December 19, 2007, 09:07:12 am »
I hate Li completely.  I left him back home for the majority of the game, because I don't like him.  He ruins the atmosphere, and the feeling of loneliness present in the game before Li.  Besides, he shoots stuff that would otherwise leave me alone, but doesn't have the decency to take damage for me.

Does it make me a horrible person that I'd rather have that atmosphere than Naija have a companion?

Li... what can i say. I feel strange having a man hug me. (me being a MAN and all). Nothing but man love in this story   :-[

General / Re: Wii wish for Aquaria
« on: December 19, 2007, 09:03:45 am »
Lol, i got the funny warning about this thread has not been replied in 120 days. Well, no point in making a new thread to expand on the Wii idea.

The wii lacks true value games. For me the Wii is not but full of mini games and beyond mario and some of the classics it lacks true luster that would complete the console. I honestly think Aquaria would be this. The only problem is with the Wiimote. There are some areas of Aquaria that require accuracy. Bosses and other items in the game. The Wiimote feels like a floating boat more then an accurate mouse.

Gameplay / Re: Jungle, City, Or Abyss. Where do i go? :(
« on: December 19, 2007, 02:56:51 am »
the problem is i couldn't take off his helmet.

Gameplay / Re: Jungle, City, Or Abyss. Where do i go? :(
« on: December 18, 2007, 08:56:07 am »
Is that the name of that giant jellyfish?

General / Re: Conspiricy: Aquaria
« on: December 18, 2007, 08:27:37 am »
Creepily, both Alec and Derek have webbed hands and feet.........

o rly.....  :D

Gameplay / Re: Jungle, City, Or Abyss. Where do i go? :(
« on: December 18, 2007, 08:22:34 am »
The use of the bind spell is what stuck me. I knew about the gears it was the stone i was confused on. When i mean the speed area. I mean that place where you race the spirit sea horse folks and then there is some weird area with green snot balls that float in the water that change color depending on the song.

So, now im in the abyss and im at this door with the human symbol on it. I've tried all my forms abilities on it and i was even able to get by it with my ghost form.  I've tried the bing spell again, but nothing.  Am i comming too early?

I am trying to avoid beating that giant jellyfish because its frustrating.

Gameplay / Playing In the abyss with smooth jazz playing
« on: December 18, 2007, 05:59:05 am »
lol. It's so weird.  :D hahaha

Has a rayman feel to it

Gameplay / Re: Sun Temple Boss Frustration
« on: December 18, 2007, 05:54:48 am »
To be honest, this was probably the fastest boss fight for me.
With the boss being so hectic and quick, i threw strategy out the window and just when on an all out rampage.
Beef up on perogi (roll + oil +egg) (add a mushroom afterwards if you've got some, rainbow work too), toss in some spicy rolls , set your pet to the blaster and let Li do what damage he can. I swam in circles around the boss, with the occasional minor heal + attack/defense boost and in a few seconds of rapid right clicking in energy mode, it was all over.
Normally i'm all about strategy but in this case, just boost your stats and unleash :)

Thats worked for me as well. I had my parana take care of the first part of the bosses life till he started freaking out. I just stayed in my beast form and tried to keep the most of my life.  Then when he went to the other mode i boosted my energy form shots and blasted him till death. Trying to avoid his shots as much as possible of course.

General / Re: A word of thanks from a fellow dev
« on: December 18, 2007, 03:58:36 am »
best 30 bucks i've spent in the past 7 years. If you make another game; i wouldn't mind  ^-^

Support / Re: Those flyin' sharks be dangerous
« on: December 18, 2007, 02:50:35 am »
alright here is the video


see how when i approach the radius of the plant my pet freaks out?

it wants to attack the glass thing around the plant, but unlike the shooting pet (which happily decimates the glass for you), it gets confused instead because it doesn't know how to bite that.

That is untrue because the parana would attack the other glass orbs when i didn't have this glass ball following me. When i don't have it, the fish attacks the orb.


It only happens at that point in the game because i can return without the orb and the fish doesn't freak out.

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