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Messages - lacota

Pages: [1] 2
Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: December 26, 2007, 02:23:42 am »
Dontcha love it when the Dwarves go Postal? 3 dwarves and a dog later.. :P :(

Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: December 24, 2007, 12:32:54 am »
Well, I must be doing SOMETHING right. First round of migrants. I've gone from 7 to 27 O.O time to start building bedrooms and beds!

Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: December 24, 2007, 12:27:37 am »
NTS: Water flows on a diagonal.

My Patties are al l water-logged now.

Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: December 23, 2007, 04:43:17 pm »
I'm the other way around, I'm terrified of Adventurer mode.


Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: December 23, 2007, 04:59:37 am »
Glad to finally find other hole-digging maniacs. if y'all ever need to talk strat about it, feel free to MSN me, extremepumpkin AT lacota DOT net.  (yeah, it's not hotmail, but it works).

mmmm Dwarf Fortressy goodness.

Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: December 22, 2007, 11:21:13 pm »
It was more of a 'me being curious' question. I use GuyBrush and the dwarf tileset of which name I cannot remember. Makes.. comprehension a tad easier, so i can keep track of my Uncooked-Patt.. "Dwarves".

As for the onion ring, *lowers it into the deep fryer*

Games / Re: Contra 4
« on: December 21, 2007, 10:12:35 pm »
What system is it for?

Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: December 21, 2007, 08:22:43 pm »

*ponders, walking over to a nearby elf, measuring him, and doing a few mathmatical calculations*


Also, anyone recomend any other Tilesets? and have any of your fooled around with the init file?

Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: December 21, 2007, 02:41:03 pm »
With or without the deep-fried beard?
And would you like Elf Fries with that?

Games / Re: Console poll
« on: December 20, 2007, 10:22:07 pm »
My gf has:
(which I can occasionally steal to work on ports of certain games, but only when she's not making out with it)

Wha... you PC Users Don't make out with yours!?!

(Mac user, with aquaria (dem0 through parallels, waiting on yonder mac port :)  )

Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: December 20, 2007, 10:01:40 pm »
Pick an animal, any animal!


Cooking it on the fires brought from the depths of the earth, Cooking it in seconds!

.. I'm bored at work :P

Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: December 20, 2007, 09:36:48 pm »
They should've run then :P lava was pouring in. The hippos had decided to swim into my underground water reserve, and were chomping away at my dwarfies. I was doomed DOOMED. so I opened my 'flood gate' of sorts, and cooked the place :P

Mmmmm HippoBurgers.

Awww, DwarfPatties.

Games / Re: Our Favorite Downloadable Games
« on: December 19, 2007, 09:17:27 pm »
I don't have a screen shot on me, but,


Docking Station.
It's for mac, PC and linux which is nice, and free :)

Mind you, I'm Biased. I'm well known in the community for that game.

http://creatures.wikia.com/wiki/Lacota </egoplug>

Games / Re: Duke Nukem Forever - Teaser TOMORROW!
« on: December 19, 2007, 09:14:27 pm »
Bruce Willis Much?

Will he 'Die Hard'?


*goes and plays Duke 1 on DosBox*

Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:56:31 pm »
it is a bit of a wall, but once you climb it. the game is so open.


a wiki for Dwarf Fortress with a tutorial for new guys. I used it quite a bit to learn the "interface".

All I can say is. Beware of anything that moves with more or less then 2 legs (Dogs, cats and cows excepted).

Carp.. so.. painful... drag my dwarfs to the water they did.

My last Fortress ended in an epic battle between Lava and Hippos.

Sure i died, but I beat the hippos. MUAHAHA. erm.

You think they'd learn to run :P

Pages: [1] 2