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Messages - trojanpooh

Pages: [1] 2
Gameplay / Re: rank this game
« on: February 25, 2011, 06:11:42 pm »
I don't know for sure where I would rank Aquaria in my favorite games of all time list, but I'd bet it would make the top 10.   Its my absolute favorite indie game ever though.  I can't think of one that I enjoyed more.

Gameplay / Re: Aquaria second part
« on: February 25, 2011, 05:52:25 am »
I wonder if it would have worked better if it just ended without the "To Be Continued"?  For me when I saw the end I just thought "Oh, so we'll see what happens in the sequel" rather than "Oh god oh god oh god oh god what's going to happen to my Naija?  :'(".  I don't know a lick about story telling or game making, but I can't help but wonder if I would have gotten that feeling from a textless ending.

Modding / Re: New Naija Skin! "Always Regular Naija"
« on: February 24, 2011, 04:28:47 am »
Thanks!   That's exactly why I made this.  I was pretty proud of how it turned out so I decided to share it with the world (read as the 12 people who still use this forum :().

Its true that she's less expressive, but think about it: its no different than the default skins.  Normal Naija still has all her original expressions, but Energy form still only has two (regular and hurt).  The only one I had trouble with was Beast, since it has 3 expressions (normal, hurt, and eating).  Obviously Naija has no eating face, so I just opted to replace eat with sing.  Since the game is rarely zoomed in all the way it looks fine.

General / Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« on: February 22, 2011, 06:33:24 pm »
I think its safe to assume she has magic flesh (AKA human flesh but it doesn't get all wrinkly  :P).

Games / Re: Marian Goes 2D
« on: February 18, 2011, 05:24:45 pm »
Actually, I really loved Metroid Other M (lolmetroidreference) with their 2.5D. They actually made it so that you still have some 3D functions, but most was 2D. I'm sure Alec would've put in nifty things like that.
Unlike "New Super Mario Bros." that was just really a 2D game with 3D models, which disappointed me.

I can't really express my opinion about this, seeing I thought the 3D was very promising, but I'm absolutely sure the 2D version will be just as amazing.

I do wonder though, will you release some kind of Demo of the progress you made so far on the 3D version WITH the release of the actual Marian, or will it be lost forever?

I saw Metroid more as a 3D game that went 2D occasionally, but I get your point.  I wasn't getting the impression that there would be 3D movement based on his blog post.  It seemed like it would be more like Klonoa or Mega Man X4 where you climbed round towers and they twisted behind you.  Obviously it would look much nicer since this is current day and they're old, but thats what I was picturing.  The 3D looked really promising, and I was looking forward to it but I really love sprites, especially when they're the nice hand drawn kind.

Also, major props for actually liking Other M.  Its the most needlessly hated game since Majora's Mask.

Games / Re: Marian Goes 2D
« on: February 17, 2011, 04:13:53 am »
Since it always controlled in 2D I'm pretty pleased about the change.  While it looked great before, 2D sprites are just so expressive and 2.5D has all the downsides of 3D packed in with the restrictive gameplay of 2D (not to bash 2D, I prefer it to 3D any day).

I'm really looking forward to Marian though.  It looks absolutely stunning, the music is sounding great, and overall it just looks fantastic.

General / Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« on: February 15, 2011, 03:18:13 am »
I hadn't thought of the Mermogs as frogs for some reason, but you've got a point.  Maybe they have scales though.  Who knows (answer: Alec and Derek)?

General / Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« on: February 14, 2011, 05:53:26 pm »
Naija lives in the ocean, which was the canvas for The Creator.  That means he didn't create it which means we can assume its made up of salt water.  I could be wrong, but doesn't salt kill frogs and stuff since they absorb water through their skin?  I don't think Naija could have that skin type.

General / Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« on: February 14, 2011, 03:22:05 am »
If you look at the art on the soundtrack its pretty photorealistic, and not a scale to be found.  I'd say its pretty likely that she has skin

Modding / Re: Few modification ideas for the standard game
« on: February 14, 2011, 03:18:59 am »
Awwww, I like the appearance of the forms... I think the energy form is really cool, with the tats (ok, the red eyes are a little freaky, and Li will not hug her in energy form)... and it helps you keep track of her ability when you have visual confirmation. Her normal form is a little pre-teen for me; I like that she looks, in energy form, like she can kick some butt. Xena, warrior princess of the sea...Hey, Alpha, how about a jelly helmet of tendril-like hair? Maybe I will play with a sketch...stinging tentacles could be as protective as a huge bulbous helmet...

Don't get me wrong, I like how the forms look too.  I switch between my set and the default every now and then.  As for visual confirmation, there is plenty of it in my set.  Energy form has the black armor and glowing hands, Best has the pinkish suit thing, nature form has the green clothes cape and I think I was able to let her keep the tattoo, etc.  I'm pretty happy with how it turned out at a whole but you just can't beat the originals.  They aren't quite as pretty, but damn do they look good.

General / Re: Consider updating the pricing
« on: February 14, 2011, 03:10:12 am »
I'm pretty sure it was on the Christmas sale one day, wasn't it?  Bought it for realzies (up until then I just had it as part of the humble bundle) a month before at full price and I remember thinking, "damn I could have saved a bit of money.  Oh well, Alec and Derek deserve it".  I guess I could be wrong though.

Modding / Re: Few modification ideas for the standard game
« on: February 13, 2011, 06:25:18 pm »
Wait you can kill Abaddons?  I just assumed you were supposed to dodge their attacks.
Though I really do like the suggestion of improving some abilities as you progress through the game - the concept of what you've raised is nice, as for example one thing that has bugged me is how weak Naija's original form is compared to the rest, and her normal form is really my favorite. Yet it's so hard to just relax and explore in that form, because you constantly have to switch to Energy form to fight things, or Beast form to fight/travel through currents, and normal form is just so helpless in comparison and shield only blocks some energy shots...so even if it meant beating the game to get a bonus, SOMETHING to make just staying in normal form for standard ocean exploration would've been nice.

Not to be a tool who self promotes his own shit, but I made a Naija skin that might interest you.  Basically it makes it so form changing only switches Naija's Clothing (So Energy form has the black armor stuff but Naija still looks like her regular pretty self.  Also it removes the hats from all the costumes and may or may not replace them with the Tiara depending on what the costume is).  You can find my thread here:

General / Re: Thoughts and Reflections
« on: February 13, 2011, 05:56:09 pm »
I wasn't a fan of the real ending until Alec made that 3-4 post response to one of the threads here detailing what it meant to him.  I still like the regular ending more, but I can respect the real ending for what it is now and see that it is also a very good ending in itself.  What it comes down to is that I like happy endings and I became very attached to Naija and it legitimately saddened me to watch all of that happening to her.  The more I'm reflecting on this the more I'm realizing just how good the ending really was.  You know what?  Ignore everything I wrote so far, the ending was solid  :)

General / Re: Consider updating the pricing
« on: February 13, 2011, 05:50:10 pm »
I sorta agree in a way.  For me, Aquaria is totally worth even more than $20 but it may do them good to drop the price tag a little bit.  On the other hand, with Steam sales you can suck in even more people.

If somebody see's a 10 dollar game that looks sorta cool, they may or may not buy it.
If somebody see's a 20 dollar game, but its 50% off for a day/weekend, they are much more likely to buy it.

In conclusion, Alec should raise the price to $200 but make it perpetually 90% off or more  ;)

General / Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
« on: February 13, 2011, 05:45:21 pm »
I think this is the first/last time I'll ever want an iPad...

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