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Messages - bungiefan

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Extract Music?
« on: January 17, 2008, 06:18:10 pm »
2. So many people I know that do use them end up with some new virus or trojan that has been rediculously difficult to remove.

That's why you use torrents linked to a forum. That way there's feedback on the torrent, and if there is a virus in the files, it will be reported on the forum topic you download the torrent from, and the site admins will remove the torrent from the site and tracker. You also run a scan on the files as soon as they're assembled before you execute them, if you actually chance it being one of the first people to download a torrent. There's plenty of benefits to using the protocol for file distribution, and linking to forums for feedback and comments keeps the downsides to a minimum.

Support / Re: Debit Card Purchase?
« on: January 02, 2008, 12:53:57 pm »
I'd like to purchase Aquaria, but I only have a Debit Card (And have no interest in opening a PayPal account or getting Credit). I tried filling out the Credit Card Purchase Form with my Debit Card info to no avail. Is there anyway I could use my Debit Card?

If your debit card isn't a CheckCard with a credit card logo on it, it's not going to work trying to type it in as a credit card. Unfortunately, CheckCards aren't offered by banks in every country, such as Canada. They're common from banks in the USA though. Plain debit cards are pretty much only useful for ATMs nowadays, and debit transactions in your own country, usually at physical stores.

General / Re: Extract Music?
« on: January 02, 2008, 12:29:37 pm »
Yeah, great.
But I don't know:

A) where to get it printed
B) how to ship it
C) whether its worth the investment (if anyone would really buy it, or if it would just prevent the people who have threatened to kill me if I don't make one from actually killing me)

A group of people on OverClocked Remix had a couple albums produced (Project Majestic Mix and SquareDance are the ones I know). There might be some information on their forums. I found it funny when a group of my friends ordered the albums though, as the place that produced them was in my city (in ALASKA of all places), and when he read the shipping address he said he'd skip charging us for shipping and just drive them over to us.


That's the place they used, by the way, KFSS Studios.

Games / Re: MMORPG's?
« on: January 02, 2008, 11:39:27 am »
Yeah, grinding is just the result of lazy lazy lazy design. 

MMORPGs are relatively young for a genre of game. Also, their goal makes this type of design to be appealing, since it makes the main content of the game take a long time to finish, which equates to people being subscribed for longer periods of time, and thus paying more in subscription fees.

As for MMOs any of us have played, I've only done one firsthand, because I usually don't play games on computers. Final Fantasy XI is the only one I've dealt with since it's available on consoles, and I've had it since just after Japanese launch in 2002. There's also Nobunaga's Ambition Online, but my Japanese isn't good enough for that and I'm not familiar with the rest of the series it ties in with. I just don't play enough to be considered addicted, and I go through at my own pace without pressure to reach a certain level or rank by a certain time. It's just annoying that there's no means to input Japanese text on the American client, so I can't use what Japanese I know to practice unless I switch back to the full Japanese client. My waking hours also line up with Japanese peak hours.

It does something I've never seen in any other MMORPG that any of my friends or roommates have played when I was watching, storyline and in-game cutscenes to progress the story. Each expansion has its own story thread, and most (not Rise of the  Zilart) can be started without progress in any of the other story threads. The past two expansions have also added more activites you can do to earn experience points instead of just forming a party and going through the leveling zones, though it's not as fast as actually battling in a party.

The main appeals to me are that I'm familiar with the terms in the series and the jobs system, I don't have to keep multiple characters to try all the jobs (since you can change jobs at just about every town, though each of the 20 jobs has their own experience level), I can play on a stable and inexpensive console, and it has a lot of storyline.

Gameplay / Re: How to kill the crab mini-boss...
« on: December 23, 2007, 05:43:13 pm »
Actually, you have to shoot his eyes, then his claws when he drops his guard and then his underbelly when his claws fall off.

Huh, that's entirely not how I killed it. I didn't think he seemed to be taking damage when I was shooting him in the eyes, so I ended up killing him a completely different way that until now I assumed was the correct one, but clearly not. I'll have to try killing him the proper way on my second play through...

I just fought him with Nature form and planted spikes on the ground around him. He walked over them and took damage, then jumped, giving me room to lay another spike underneath.

Gameplay / Re: Why I like this game but de-installed it (**spoilers**)
« on: December 23, 2007, 05:25:50 pm »
I thought with Mithalas, the flashing yellow was a good visual indicator that I wasn't doing damage. Enemies and previous bosses have flashed red when I've damaged them, and it's like that in many other games I've played where bosses are only vulnerable in certain spots.

General / Re: Joysticks/Gamepads
« on: December 17, 2007, 10:08:39 am »
PS2 controller with a Super Joybox 5 Pro or a Boom PS2/N64-USB converter.

Support / Re: Suggestion: Better standard gamepad support
« on: December 16, 2007, 06:43:13 am »
I'm just having trouble figuring out how to do a few things with a controller, again using a PS2 controller. I can't figure out how to reach the Use(for Costumes)  or Cook buttons or eat food without actually having to use a mouse. There's also no setting to work as a middle click, so I can't look with the controller, and the right stick doesn't seem to do anything.

Singing isn't too hard to control with the stick, but there's points inbetween notes where the stick just doesn't do anything.

Support / Display problem with dual-screen system configuration
« on: December 15, 2007, 10:33:48 pm »
I'm running the December 10th version of the full version. I've got a Radeon 9600 Pro Atlantis 256 MB graphics card running two monitors on Windows XP Pro SP2. The right monitor is my primary, running at 1680x1050, and the left monitor is my secondary, running at 1280x1024.

I can run the game once, and if I quit, I have to reboot to avoid this problem. The second time I boot the program in full-screen mode on the same boot, it just shows a zoomed version of my desktop wallpaper, but I get audio. If I boot in windowed, I get the same problem (though I can see a slight portion of the game that updates on the right side of the window). I have to play the game windowed on my secondary monitor for the video to update and not show whatever was on the area of the monitor that the window popped up when I ran the application. Changing the resolution the game runs at doesn't seem to affect this behaviour.

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