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Messages - silverkitty

Pages: [1] 2 3
I suspect it was removed, otherwise spawnAllIngredients() would make it. maybe they originally intended for salt chunks to be an ingredient.

Gameplay / Re: Nature form-throny vines- get rid of them?
« on: December 25, 2007, 06:27:11 pm »
They are just walls. As with any other walls, there are ways around to the seemingly blocked areas.

Gameplay / Re: Is LI Chinese?
« on: December 20, 2007, 03:31:47 pm »
set in an alternate universe, where there is no China (or even Asia)

Gameplay / Re: Two suggestions
« on: December 20, 2007, 04:50:46 am »
more than 4 shades - more like 6 or 8 because map sections can overlap

Gameplay / Re: Video Walkthrough
« on: December 19, 2007, 07:24:57 am »
what are you using to record? I tried a few things, but they made terrible videos and didn't capture sound.

Gameplay / Re: How to combine for the food 'Brine Soup'?
« on: December 19, 2007, 05:27:32 am »
there's a .png for brine soup, as I'm sure you've discovered, but it doesn't show up when one runs the script command "spawnAllIngredients" so I'm thinking that it was deprecated before release and doesn't actually have a formula.

how does that work? do I get to drop an actual copy of the actual file somewhere? because I don't want to have to go do pixel-replacement to restore the original transparency, because I'll just mess it up :/

actually, I want to open up data.000 to get my hands on the graphics - hard to put graffiti on the walls without access to the font file :)

it said, explicitly, "to be continued..."

but, then, Alec has questioned whether there would be a sequel project.

which is evil, to totally tease us like that.

Support / Re: Those flyin' sharks be dangerous
« on: December 18, 2007, 12:21:42 am »
alright here is the video


see how when i approach the radius of the plant my pet freaks out?

it wants to attack the glass thing around the plant, but unlike the shooting pet (which happily decimates the glass for you), it gets confused instead because it doesn't know how to bite that.

making an easy mode is easy:
up the default damage things do you 20%, lower your shot power 20%, make that default, declare the present game the "easy" mode :)

I think it would be pretty naive to expect this to work. I think we'd have to redesign the game from the ground up and actually test it with casual players. Releasing the same game with sliiiightly less damage is not going to open it up to a whole new market, is it?

missing the point: it was a joke. look at what I said - my suggestion would make the game harder. I was saying, "make the game harder. call that the new default. declare the present version unmodified the 'easy' mode". the proper response is "you're evil, silver".

making an easy mode is easy:
up the default damage things do you 20%, lower your shot power 20%, make that default, declare the present game the "easy" mode :)

How do I make it so that double-clicking the minimap brings up a big map?
How do I make a "multi-part" big map?

Support / Re: Aquaria 1.0.3 Cumulative Patch 2007.12.17
« on: December 17, 2007, 05:07:42 pm »
no, I was about to edit and say that on further examination, it was my own fault because this session I loaded from two savegames, and last session I did not.
I mean, there's lots of stuff you're probably aware of:

"ID conflict between mutilus and mutantnaija"
"luaScriptError: mutilus : postInit : attempt to call a nil value"
"cannot open scripts/maps/map_finalboss.lua: No such file or directory
(error loading script: scripts/maps/map_finalboss.lua from file [scripts/maps/map_finalboss.lua])
Could not find script file [scripts/maps/map_finalboss.lua]
"transturtle : attempt to call a nil value animationKey"

but none of this seems to affect game play (except maybe the finalboss one, I didn't try to re-fight him this section, but my savegame was right before him)

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