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Messages - viespace

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Unplayable Lag at the first boss(energy temple)
« on: December 14, 2007, 01:44:54 am »
I experienced the same thing. I had to disable Framebuffer effects, mipmap, vsync AND put the game in 1024*768 to stop the lag.
Now it's perfectly playable, but I don't have all the effects... ah well...

Try to update your drivers, too: the latest are 169.21
well yeah, but even crysis wont force me do that to play the game >.<

Support / Unplayable Lag at the first boss(energy temple)
« on: December 14, 2007, 12:16:27 am »
I have a not bad PC with Conroe+2G ddr2 800+8800GT@driver 169.12, running with Vista 32 Ultimate, the game runs perfectly all the time at 75FPS, but when I come to engage the boss in energy temple, it begins to lag heavily that I can't play. I tried to alter the settings but it didnt help.
Any ideas?

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