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Messages - Jon God

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Aquaria OSX fullscreen graphical issue
« on: January 21, 2011, 01:14:07 am »
10.4.11? Whew, that's old stuff.  It's hard to say whether it's something with your hardware, your software, or both, given that both are pretty old.  I'd suggest upgrading to OS X 10.5, which will have received newer graphics updates and frameworks than 10.4.11 (which has been out of support for some time now, if I remember correctly).  As you're probably aware, you can't upgrade to 10.6 because you are on a Power PC processor, while 10.6 is Intel-only, but I can vouch for the fact that 10.6 has no issues with it.

10.5 is a worthwhile upgrade over 10.4.  Trust me, I've used OS X regularly since 10.3, and dabbled in it since 10.2... it's all come a long way.

I still run some older programs via classic (OS 9), which is what's kept me from updating to 10.5.

As for the issue, it's strange that it doesn't happen in windowed mode, even if windowed mode is running at the same resolution that full screen was. :/

Support / Re: Aquaria OSX fullscreen graphical issue
« on: January 18, 2011, 01:05:15 am »
Graphic card update? Maybe Nvidia has a slightly newer driver. Of course, I'm not a Mac user, so I'm not sure how driver updates really work. Does it do that in windowed mode?

I don't believe there is any newer drivers, my computer is from 2002, anyways.

It does not do it in windowed mode.

Support / Aquaria OSX fullscreen graphical issue
« on: January 16, 2011, 01:37:11 pm »
Hey I got a copy of Aquaria from the Humble Indie Bundle, and was playing it on my old mac, (and only computer).

The specs are pretty much this: http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/powermac_g4/stats/powermac_g4_867_dp_mdd.html

Though the RAM has been updated to 2GBs, it's also running OSX 10.4.11

As for what is up, the game runs, more smoothly than I'd expect, but while in the app, a 1 pixel line blinks white along a good portion of the top right on the screen. I couldn't get a screenshot due to how fast it blinks, but I made a screenshot as an example of what it looks like:


I tried a few resolutions, and tried it not full screen, the resolutions didn't change anything, but it didn't occur in windowed mode. I, however, only play games in full screen, so I came here, any way I can get around this?

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