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Messages - hmh

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Consider updating the pricing
« on: January 14, 2011, 05:25:35 pm »
I got Aquaria in humble bundle 1, played it through completely and I loved it.  But I've always felt like $20 is a bit high for indie games.  (Be honest everyone, if you bought the bundle did you even pay $20 for all 5 games?  Statistics say you did not.   I paid $15, which put me above average).  It also seems high considering the game has probably saturated the market that is willing to pay that.

Hmm, I think a game like Aquaria is worth at least US$ 50,00.  It is easily one of the most beautiful, refreshing and enjoyable games I have played in a long time.  I got Aquaria through the HIB#2, and if I knew beforehand how good it was, I would have paid US$ 50,00. As it stands, I paid for three copies of HIB#2, at US$ 15,00 each.   I sort of feel like I ripped off the developers by getting it at such a bargain.

I really do not think Aquaria needs a price cut.  If anything, it deserves some worth-of-mouth to the demographics that likely didn't play it yet, such as Linux users (like me).  I am adding it to the Linux game tome NOW if it is not there yet.  I am extremely happy that it was included on HIB#2, or I might not have come across it.

And the whole idea that an Indie game should, somehow, cost less than US$ 20 just because it is an Indie game  is extremely strange to me. WTF should I pay less for something with such high quality as Aquaria?  This game is _GOOD_, and it clearly took a LOT of effort go make.

Oh, I did buy the OST as soon as a noticed the gem that Aquaria was. And not just as some extra compensation to the developers, that OST stands on its own.  Too bad the signed OST is sold out, or I'd have bought that one instead of the standard US$20 OST.

And if someone ever starts a commissioning campaign for Aquaria 2 and bitblot indicates that they would be willing to write the sequel, I will shell in US$ 50 for it, as long as its code will be open and run in Linux (NOTE: I am perfectly fine with the data set being restricted, like things currently are for Aquaria 1).

Hmm, now I think I should try to allocate some coding time to write a script to upgrade Aquaria LUA scripts from v1.1.1 to the syntax required on the latest unreleased patched versions, so that I can play the released MODs :-)

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