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Messages - shaddix

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Did i miss something?
« on: December 12, 2007, 06:22:51 pm »
aaaahhhh i confused 2 symbols. God bless you my friend! thanks :)

Gameplay / Re: Did i miss something?
« on: December 12, 2007, 06:05:17 pm »
hey azure

i have been to both places and there are 4 symbols and when i try to sing that song in THAT Order, nothing happens, not in the Cave and not at the Spiraldoor. when you first enter the cave and click those statues in the ackround you hear a silent giggling and it zooms onto that door. thats it.

how do i learn a new song?

Gameplay / Did i miss something?
« on: December 12, 2007, 05:46:50 pm »
 Hello all

I got the Demo of the Game but iam not progressing. i didnt learn a single new song. how can i learn them? then there is that white big Orb in a cave but i cant pick it up or anything else. There are a lot of bolders in the Way, how to remove them?
i must have missed something?!
i explored every area availible to me and i didnt found a hint.
In the begining, you´ll switch to that fighting form. do i have to kill that spider boss? does it give me any item, because i can bypass that creature and go the exit.

if i die in that area, i cant quickload a savegame. i do have to exit the game (to the mainmenu) and load the savegame which is a fundamental mistake IMO.

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