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Messages - Azure_One

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: jump, jump, jump
« on: January 03, 2008, 11:56:28 pm »
As far as I can remember, all the jumping parts are optional content. That doesn't make them any less frustrating, of course.  :)

The Frozen Veil bubbles gave me the most trouble by far - I was just about ready to bang my head against the desk until I pass out at one point. In the end though, the key to getting through this part for me was the relization that switching out of beast form makes short jumps much more controllable. Sure, the extra power is welcome when you need to cross a long gap, but when you need to stop in a tiny area... not so much.

Also, this was the single place where the look feature really came in handy.

Gameplay / Re: Regarding eagle door *spoilers*
« on: January 03, 2008, 12:37:03 pm »
You already got the alternate ending before opening that door? Man, they really need to make it so you can't bug past into The Body early.

I'm pretty sure he simply means that he found the three memories and unlocked it, not that he has completed the game and seen the ending.

Gameplay / Re: Stuck in Mithalas Cathedral. Possible bug. (And spoilers)
« on: December 26, 2007, 10:32:31 am »
This is not a bug. You have to sit on the throne after completing it. Notice how your cursor glows when you mouse over it.

Right, definitely don't let yourself get distracted by the minor enemies. They come back faster than you can kill them.

If you're not already doing it, lock on to the part you're targeting, so you can focus more on staying alive and less on aiming.

A spicy roll (after the vulnerable bits are exposed) will also help tremendously, just keep in mind that there is more than one of these monsters and they're not even toughest enemies around.

Gameplay / Re: (SPOILERS) Qs about demo and energy temple
« on: December 13, 2007, 09:05:43 am »
In case anyone is still stuck here:

The way to proceed is quite simple and you've probably even seen it before, just forgotten about it by the time you're done with the temple.

In the right side of Home Waters, right beneath the giant turtle's home, is a passage with an empty pearl holder at the end. This is the way on, but first you need to get a pearl up to it, which is found in the cave beneath this one. The one with a stealthy octopus usually hanging around the entrance.

The demo ends soon after you enter the next area.

Gameplay / Re: Cathedral boss - Did I come too early?
« on: December 12, 2007, 08:18:37 pm »
Well, I did it now. Man, that was tough and complicated. I'm not sure if I ever would have figured it out on my own.

At least I can properly swim against currents now. I've been itching to have an ability like this.

Gameplay / Re: Cathedral boss - Did I come too early?
« on: December 12, 2007, 06:46:29 pm »
Ah, I didn't know they transformed. Or that creatures could be grabbed by Bind.

All right, I get what I'm supposed to do now, although I can't actually do it yet. This boss is hard. I wish there was a closer save point.

Thanks for the tips!  :)

Gameplay / Re: Did i miss something?
« on: December 12, 2007, 06:15:42 pm »
You get the song beyond that door.

Are you sure you got the combination right? Some of the symbols are similar enough to be a little confusing. It should be "twin green leaves"-"pink circle" (NOT blue spiral)-"yellow heart"-"orange star" and you need to sing it near the door. Basically the "four corners" of the circle. It's quite melodious if you have it right.

Gameplay / Re: Cathedral boss - Did I come too early?
« on: December 12, 2007, 06:01:44 pm »
Well, he might like to eat them, but he seems much more interested in me. Even if I get him to the pit with the fat zombie, he'll only try to grab me. Eventually, he just blows it up with his shots and then I can't get a new one. He only keeps spitting out thin zombies.

Gameplay / Re: Did i miss something?
« on: December 12, 2007, 05:51:41 pm »
You don't need to kill anything in the vision, you can just swim past and escape like you did.

To progress, you have to get a new song.  Have you been to the Song Cave yet? Did you open the spiral door?

Gameplay / Cathedral boss - Did I come too early?
« on: December 12, 2007, 05:10:46 pm »

I'm stuck at the boss at the bottom of the cathedral. All I have is Shield, Bind, Energy Form, a pet Nautilus and a set of armour. I have absolutely no idea what to do. I can blast away at him in energy form and that makes him flash, which sort of suggests that I'm doing some damage, but no matter how hard I try, I eventually die before he does. I found that if I hide in the pit with the poison clams, he'll scoop me out and try to eat me, but shooting his mouth from the inside doesn't seem like a workable strategy. Shield bounces back his projectiles, but that doesn't seem any very effective either. I can't find anything to bind. He'll also create a thin merman zombie once in a while, but I can't think of a way to use that against him.

Did I come here too early? It's the place that made sense story-wise. A little earlier in the cathedral, Naija says that she could explore elsewhere, but I'm not sure where to go. Do I need some specific song I don't have? Or just more firepower? Or do I have to find something in the maze of currents, since the last save point is just before that?

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