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Messages - Liarra Sniffles

Pages: [1] 2 3
Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: April 11, 2016, 05:00:34 am »
Good to see you still working away at this slowly; I haven't forgotten, don't worry.  ;3

Actually, now that I think about it; you have been working on this for roughly a third of my whole life, NOW DO YOU FEEL OLD!?

Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: July 11, 2015, 05:19:02 pm »
If you want pressure for it to be done, I'm still subbed to this thread via email!

Chop chop!


Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: October 07, 2014, 01:46:26 am »
There is a working-but-ugly way to replace the background rock texture (that has the face on it), but this is all you're able to change.
The menu itself is hardcoded in C++ and can't be changed by mods. At all.

... or so it's being said.

Oh and while you're here, steam sucks. IRC is where the cool kids hang out. ^-^
Well I have a few ideas to get around that, including just creating a whole new menu with the same functions on it and changing the key bindings around, or adding some kind of overlay effect when esc is pressed, or just changing every. single. texture. that has anything to do with rocks or statues to one that is transparent (if possible). We will see. I might even create a simple third party program overlay if it turns out to be easier than potentially breaking into the hard code and killing the game itself.

I don't have an IRC program installed, and I don't really know what it is other than a group chat of some kind. That and I really like steam, it has gaemz in it :C

Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: October 07, 2014, 01:28:32 am »
12 ?! I didn't start coding before i was 14 (DOS BASIC, which is totally different from Lua). Respect + Kudos on that!
Well I say coding, the most I remember doing was working out how to add 4 Nautilus Prime's to one big area, and change the shark ai..? so that they just constantly charge towards you. But thinking back on it, I think I actually just broke the ai somehow, not sure if that counts as good coding.
You should continue yours if you can, this time learning Lua properly. It's super useful to be able to code, and it's a good brain training for later. It's good to have a logic-oriented mindset, believe me :)
Aside from this screenshot (which was pretty meh), your mod looked nice!
Aha! the "hook tree", I remember that. I spent most of my "modding" time screwing around in the editor making huge maps full of stuff. The PC I was working on literally exploded into flames, but I think we saved the hard-drive so I might find it yet. Then again, I might make a whole new "mod" (basically a glorified map pack with maybe some sounds added in) and try my hand at some segment based sprite animation. Right at the moment I am on vacation and this isn't my laptop, so I'm not sure how much I can/want to do here.

I've been looking through some WIP images you have posted, I have to say it looks like a whole new game. I never really liked how the inventory/cooking/loading screens had the statue of her face on it though, so that might be the first thing I mod out of my game.

Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: October 07, 2014, 12:48:00 am »
Ah, it's been ages since I've played Aquaria or been on this site, this mod is still being worked on!? The dedication!
Last time I was here I was only  12 years old or so, so it's pretty nice to see stuff still going on. This mod still looks amazing, I'm almost tempted to go dig up my own mod project from back then, but I'm scared of looking at the abomination that is an un-tutored 12 year old's lua coding.

Right, I'm gonna go see about changing my username and actually following up on a few of these mods which were only idea's when I last saw them.

~~~"Liarra Sniffles [NsP]" is my steam user if anyone wants to contact me, I feel like this should be in a sig, but I have no idea how to use this site yet.~~~

Support / Re: Aquaira music rights
« on: December 16, 2012, 05:38:27 am »
im just going to assume that i cant use the music and resort to freesound or royalty free music for my music, although it saddnes me i cant really do anything about it, maybye i should get into contact with one of dem two magicians through twitter or somthing.

Support / Re: Aquaira music rights
« on: November 29, 2012, 05:05:38 pm »
well your right about the usefullness of that topic :/
but thanks for being active on an otherwise dead forum THE MOST ACTIVE FORUM EVAR!!please dont kill me mods (if your still here)

im actually surprised that there are no (as far as i could find) other people asking this question as the music is totaly amazing in aquaria and somthing which i aspire to create, i would have thought that people would've gone nuts, then again, most people on the internet seem to like crappy (my personal view only) music from artist's who like to "rinse and repeat" as it were with their music and aquaria is not exactly new in internet standards.

ill find out eventually :3
(as an experiment i posted fall of mythalis on a sharing site a friend of mine runs to see if any copyright pings showed up, so far it dosent evan know what an aquaria is...sad right?)

Support / Aquaira music rights
« on: November 27, 2012, 12:17:03 pm »
so, i was wondering what the deal is with using aquaria music for things like youtube videos or online gaming themes (as in rp themes in-game)
but i cant find any info anywhere and i seem to have lost my readme of the copyright rules.

it would be great if i could use the music from aquaria somewhere else (with recognnition to the creators of corse) but i dont want to "do anything bad on accident" as it were.

i have looked on the forums with no succses and dont have the time to sift through it all, also the IRC is not very helpfull to me atm, if someone has allready created a post like this then link me but if not, all i need is for someone to copy/paste the readme here (if it aquaria has one) or just tell me the current owners of aquaira's musical rights rules for this.

heres to really hoping to have some of the best music in history in my stuff! (from the guy who bought ALL the musical stuff)
and no, i dont want to sell it to you for some jelly oil and a special bulb!


Modding / Re: ocean (my mod)
« on: June 09, 2011, 11:13:37 am »
My mod is coming along nicely
(working on cut-scenes at the moment)

have written a script for the whale and am ironing out the bugs.
i have put in a transport system of whales (trans-whales) to help people get from on shelf (Atlantic) to the other (pacific).
the gap between them is a lot of inches wide and full of enemys.  :o

Modding / ocean (my mod)
« on: June 08, 2011, 10:51:20 am »
this is my proper topic for my mod "ocean"
please give only positive feedback (unless its advice witch can be negative) cause ill ignore all bad things said (so there!)

i have got some more pictures from the mod so far...



EDIT: making a whale that moves around and sings. (im trying to get it to eat krill)

scratch the right whale idea im going for MOBEY DICK

(that better?)

Modding / Re: bosses
« on: June 08, 2011, 10:31:24 am »
currently working on a sea shelf (shelf of land with MASSIVE sea out to side)

have decided to postpone putting bosses in until finished.
(it now has 4 more maps + some save-points from my previous post)

making some of my own GFX for some special fishies  ^-^
(like the right-whale)

get back to u all soon :3

EDIT: im going to shif this topic to one named OCEAN (cause i can see this will go way past my little problem)
heres a link to that topic

Modding / bosses
« on: June 07, 2011, 12:33:38 pm »
hi sorry for not blogging in a while but,
iv been making a mod called "ocean".
its pretty simple a few maps joined together that you can explore.
BUT im having trouble with the bosses  :(

ok hears the scoop,
iv got a large level and i want the last chamber, to have a boss blocking the exit to the next level.
however if i go into the cave to fight the boss (nautilus prime) and then leave, once im out of his range he respawns...
iv looked at the wiki help but there's nothing to help me find the right code for him.
(i want him to re-spawn in the cave so he'll have full health)
 p.s i got the health down pat.

here are some pics


Modding / Re: Beauty of Aquaria Mod Released !
« on: January 15, 2011, 11:10:01 pm »
lol  :D

Gameplay / Re: rank this game
« on: January 15, 2011, 11:07:04 pm »
lol word correction did that not me......lol  :P

Off-Topic / Re: Spam
« on: January 13, 2011, 02:22:46 am »
what you guys need is one of thos anti spam bot things that detect
 advertising and reports it to you,
 then you can just mark the ones that are not spam and it will auto ban the rest.
i have no idea where to get one, but one of my old blogs had one (google it?).  ^-^

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