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Messages - Magman

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Aquaria on first page on Gamefaqs/Gamespot
« on: December 11, 2007, 09:35:45 pm »
Yay. Kudos for the nice exposure.

So what steps do you guys have to take to get Aquaria reviewed by IGN and Gamespot? Obviously I think it would garner quite a nice review from either, which would go a ways towards getting more exposure for your excellent little game.

Luckily, you guys seem to have a really enthusiastic grass roots base (myself included), and I'm sure that helps when people talk up the game to friends and such. Hope Aquaria garners all the attention it deserves in the coming weeks.

General / Re: Disc version/Future Retail plans
« on: December 11, 2007, 09:30:37 pm »
I usually don't buy a lot of games, but I've been intrigued by Aquaria ever since the first few screenshots emerged. I'm very glad I spent the $30. Hell, if you played the demo for long enough (It took me ~90 minutes to hit the end) that's about 1/4 the length of Call of Duty 4, which goes for $60 on Xbox 360. There's just so much nice content in the game, it was well worth the purchase.

Quick question for Derek:
I've noticed a lot of people who say that they would purchase it if it was on Steam, but they don't want to fool with giving out their info to a third party. This would obviously couple with some nice visibility on Steam. Of course the con would be whatever share that Steam gets off the game as opposed to whatever you make off each sale now. Still, might not be a bad push a couple of months from now if you guys decide you might want to drop the price a little. Ever thought about going the Steam route?

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