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Messages - Mavor

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Gameplay / Re: *SPOILERS* This game is too f*ckin hard!!!
« on: December 20, 2007, 08:20:23 pm »
Yeah I've already conquered the frozen veil....I'm in the sunken city now with Li....thanks

Gameplay / Re: *SPOILERS* This game is too f*ckin hard!!!
« on: December 20, 2007, 12:46:25 pm »
Thanks man....you are very helpful

Gameplay / Re: *SPOILERS* This game is too f*ckin hard!!!
« on: December 20, 2007, 11:17:53 am »
Yup I right-clicked on him and it worked....Thanks....I'll take him all the way to the Abyss now to that door....when I get there I just right-click on the door right...Also if I want Li to stop following me and go back to the cave, what do I do?

Gameplay / Re: *SPOILERS* This game is too f*ckin hard!!!
« on: December 20, 2007, 11:08:58 am »
Right-click on Li? No i didn't try that...Lemme do it now

Gameplay / Re: *SPOILERS* This game is too f*ckin hard!!!
« on: December 20, 2007, 11:00:27 am »
To make it short: Naija hasn't endless options what she can do. So it shouldn't be so hard to figure out how to remove the helmet. Try one of her oh so many songs. Maybe the one you used when removing the helmet the first time.

Yeah I tried using bind whenever he swims by me at the cave and it doesn't work....I also tried the Li's song and he doesn't respond and come over

Gameplay / Re: *SPOILERS* This game is too f*ckin hard!!!
« on: December 20, 2007, 09:15:50 am »
If you have all forms and spells you can have without Li, plus the rotating that are 9 actions you can try. Some are a priori excluded, like shield or energy form. Is it so hard to try these ~5 actions that it is more easy to exit the game, post in the forums and wait for an answer? Not to think that you already had lifted his helmet once (otherwise no cutscence and no Li-song).
No offense, but I don't understand a word of what you just typed....Could you pls read it yourself?

Gameplay / Re: *SPOILERS* This game is too f*ckin hard!!!
« on: December 20, 2007, 08:48:49 am »
He won't follow you while wearing his helmet.

Then how do I make him remove the helmet?

Gameplay / Re: *SPOILERS* This game is too f*ckin hard!!!
« on: December 20, 2007, 08:12:47 am »
Can anyone pls help me out...This Li song thing for me is really weird....I learnt the song....on the song menu screen she has a blue crystal with the Li song symbol on her neck, but anytime I play the Song, Li doesn't show up

Gameplay / Re: *SPOILERS* This game is too f*ckin hard!!!
« on: December 19, 2007, 09:52:18 pm »
I learnt the song....I cornered him to the end of the cave and she removed the helmet, then the cutscene where she kissed him....I did this 3 days ago....

Gameplay / Re: *SPOILERS* This game is too f*ckin hard!!!
« on: December 19, 2007, 09:28:47 pm »
I sing Li's song and he doesn't appear....I then went to Li's cave in the Veil and I play the song, but he doesn't even respond...he just keeps swimming about in the cave with his helmet on...Is this a bug?

Gameplay / Re: *SPOILERS* This game is too f*ckin hard!!!
« on: December 19, 2007, 09:02:37 pm »
Funny, I try playing the song, but he never shows up

Gameplay / Re: *SPOILERS* This game is too f*ckin hard!!!
« on: December 19, 2007, 08:34:33 pm »
Yeah that Li guy, I met him....but do I need to take his helmet? I bind it all the way to the abyss?

Gameplay / Re: *SPOILERS* This game is too f*ckin hard!!!
« on: December 19, 2007, 07:01:44 pm »
I've explored every part of the Abyss.....all that is left is a blocked door with a sorta wing symbol on it that I can't pass

Gameplay / Re: *SPOILERS* This game is too f*ckin hard!!!
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:01:36 pm »
Hey I need help...I've gotten all my pets and the energy form, beast form, plant form, sun form, fish form and ghost form....Now I'm in the frozen veil, at the right-most part, i try to use Speed+2 and beast form to jump up to the bubble so I can progress to the right, but I can't reach the bubble....please help....Also I read somewhere that that Frozen veil is optional....if so where am I meant to go next....Pls someone help me answer both questions....thanks

Gameplay / Re: *SPOILERS* This game is too f*ckin hard!!!
« on: December 18, 2007, 01:25:18 pm »
I'm going to the Kelp forest for my fish form.....DEATH TO THE LICH QUEEN!!!  >:D Hahahahaha

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