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Messages - kbranch

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Aquaria "captures" Mouse
« on: December 29, 2010, 02:26:09 am »
A little bit of research seems to indicate that any application that grabs input has this problem.  My guess would be that X just decides not to intercept any input when an application explicitly grabs it.  A bit of a pain that it works like that, but I suspect an option within Aquaria to simply disable input grabbing would work around the issue well enough.  I'll give it a try in Wine for now.

Edit: Works fine in Wine so far.

Support / Re: Aquaria "captures" Mouse
« on: December 28, 2010, 05:38:46 am »
For what it's worth, I'm having this same problem with the Linux version.  I constantly tab out of just about anything I'm doing, and the way Aquaria currently handles input basically makes the game unplayable for me.

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