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Messages - z9john

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Slowdown problem.
« on: December 11, 2007, 09:12:48 pm »
That enemy is a regular, non-special non-slowdown enemy, so yeah, you're having this problem too.

The only intended slowdowns in the game are when you are low on health and you get hit.

Yea, I guess I should just clarify that when I meant slowdown I meant there was a framerate drop.  When I get hit when my health is low the framerate is still good even though the action slows down.

My bad.

Support / Re: Slowdown problem.
« on: December 11, 2007, 06:12:06 pm »
Thanks everyone for your posts!

But yeah, I tried toying around with video card settings and all, nothing seems to really work.  If it is a driver issue, maybe I should just wait for the next update or something.

Besides, all of this tweaking of the game has gotten me kinda used to the slowdown, haha.


I've only had a slowdown once, and that was during the first dream sequence. But it is graphics heavy and it slows down when that creature (I couldn't see what it was exactly) which fires a big laser when you near the end. Although I've seen games where there is an intended slowdown when a big attack or something occurs. So it is most likely a normal slowdown because there are so many things happening at once.

The weird thing with that (if I'm thinking of the same scene) is that during that sequence the game runs almost perfectly.

IDK, I know it sounds weird.... I can't understand it either.

Support / Re: Slowdown problem.
« on: December 11, 2007, 05:28:14 pm »
Not that I'm aware of, I just checked the Nvidia Control Panel and it seems I have most of the settings to "Let the application decide."

Support / Slowdown problem.
« on: December 11, 2007, 05:01:36 am »
Hey everyone.... first off let me say that I've been really looking foward to playing this game, and DLed the demo (which I love) to check it out... but this one issue is keeping me from a purchase at the moment:

I have a fairly decent PC, able to run most 3d games pretty well, but for some reason I get these bad slowdowns (drops in framerate and a slow down of animations and swimming and such)  every once in awile.  They seem to occur mostly in areas with alot of objects on the screen, or when their is a background scene far off (forgive me for not knowing the technical term). Where I really notice it is the large area right before entering Naija's Home for the first time (after her vision).

I tried lowering everything down to the lowest settings (resolution low, vsync + mipmap + effects off) and i still get that slowdown in those same areas and at practically the same intensity.

It's weird since I can run everything on the highest settings and still get perfect framerate  in  other areas.

Im running the latest drivers (not beta) and I have pracically nothing running in the background (I turn off AV and so on)

Any suggestions?

Windows XP Pro SP2
BFG Tech 7800 GS OC AGP
2.66 GHz Pentium 4
1 GB ram
Onboard Realtek sound card

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