Gameplay / Re: Steam achievement bugs
« on: December 24, 2010, 10:34:28 am »So after having found ACH_EXPLORER in the debug.log file after a simple windows search I tried searching this string manually in the .lua files presuming that windows doesn't look through those. I found nothing.That's a shame. I'm having this issue too and let me say it's killing me in term of my obsessiveness. >_<
I have every achievement, pet, location and treasure. I also have a ton of save files having meticulously saved right before every boss fight on the off chance that I want to fight them again later and saves for both endings.
One thing worth mention though is that the game cache was somehow invalid on my end (it failed to verify but I never actually had a problem playing the game with it all the same). I'm wondering if banjo2E might have the same issue and that this issue bungled our ability to get this achievement in our saves.