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Messages - Internet Friend

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Stuck at beginning: Returning back to normal form?
« on: December 12, 2007, 01:10:19 am »
The easiest way to switch forms is to use the number keys.  1 for Normal form, 2 for Energy form and so on. 

Gameplay / Re: Using bind song in energy form
« on: December 11, 2007, 04:28:34 am »
Yeah, we figured it would be cool to be able to pull a "shield" behind you while being able to attack.

There's actually an odd bug that comes out of that, but I won't spoil it for anyone. :]
I don't know about Energy Form, but I managed to destroy a few rocks with Beast form in the Veil.  The first plan I came up with to get the extra height needed to collect the costume in Turtle Cave was to bind the rock at the bottom of the bubble area, switch to beast form, carry it to the top, jump out of the top bubble (which broke the bind), land on the rock in midair then jump off the rock.  It was working up to the point where I hit the rock in midair; at which point it either goes flying off in random directions or disappears instantly.

The real solution is much easier, but mine would have been more satisfying if it didn't glitch out.  :(

Gameplay / Re: I broke the game, and... (SPOILERS)
« on: December 11, 2007, 01:30:28 am »
Glad you're working on a patch for this, since I managed to get myself stuck down there as well.

I'm the biggest fool though.  When I came to the Abyss, I heard the line about needing to be brave to explore without a light source, saw the bioluminescent fish that followed you around and decided it was a puzzle dungeon.  After a long time of carefully leading fish around and having a screenshot of the map up on another screen I'd explored the whole Abyss, killed the King Jellyfish, gotten some treasure, plowed through the barrier and gotten suck trying to free Li from the bubble.  I only have Energy, Beast, Fish and Nature forms at this point.

That's what I get for making things more difficult than they need to be, I guess.

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