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Messages - Aradalf

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Aquaria "captures" Mouse
« on: December 21, 2010, 10:48:30 pm »
It would've helped yourself if you actually pointed that out in your first post.
In fact it would've been an idea to say what your OS is at all, either way...

There's also for Linux:
Alt+Escape; Alternative for Alt-tab that doesn't give a list, but swaps instantly, guessing it won't work for you, but it could.
Alt+F9; Minimizes the game, (GNOME only)
Ctrl+Alt+D; Shows desktop
Alt+F1; Accesses applications, not sure if this'll help, thought I'd point it out anyway.
Ctrl+Esc; Again, though opens your task manager this time. (KDE)

Also, pretty much all I'm getting for the Mac is F11 and Cmd+M or Cmd+H, there's also the Mac's version of alt-tab which is Cmd+Tab.
Further than that I don't think I can help you guys.
Forgot to mention I'm using LXDE.
Alt + Escape: Doesn't work.
Alt + F9: Doesn't work.
Ctrl + Alt + D: Works, but doesn't work in-game.
Alt + F1: Doesn't work.
Ctrl + Esc: Opens the Start Menu, but doesn't work in-game.

In short, none of them work for me in-game. Any other suggestions? Also, do you know why this is happening?

Support / Re: Aquaria "captures" Mouse
« on: December 21, 2010, 09:27:46 pm »
As far as I'm aware, you should be able to alt-tab just fine, besides that there's always;
Ctrl+alt+delete; Vista: Goes to special lockdown screen, where you can start Task Manager, Windows XP: just starts the Task Manager
Windows button/Ctrl+Escape; Opens up start menu
Windows button + D; Goes directly to desktop.

Besides that, no I don't think there's an option or key button press that makes Aquaria stop locking the mouse, it's how the game works.
I'm using Linux, so none of those apply. And no I can't Alt + Tab.

Support / Aquaria "captures" Mouse
« on: December 21, 2010, 12:34:40 am »
While playing the game in windowed mode, Aquaria "captures" my mouse and I cannot move it outside of the game window. If i would like to do something for one minute without ending the game, I can't. In fullscreen mode, Aquaria also "captures" my mouse. Either way, i can't Alt + Tab either. Now, i don't really have a problem with this, but is their a specific key or option or setting that can be changed to make Aquaria stop "capturing" my mouse?

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