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Messages - Klarden

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Consider updating the pricing
« on: December 24, 2010, 12:01:36 am »
Game's worth 20$, every penny of it, sure.
But it's been 3 years and and it got lost in the ocean of indie games that cost less and are newer
People might not think it's worth the price, even with the demo and reviews, because they get indie games for 15$ usually, because they might think that "well, animations are too Flash-like" or whatever else.
With 15$-10$ price and more active participation in sales it would've got more attention it deserves.
Of course, maybe dev's are too busy with their separate projects now and that's why the price wasn't lowered.
But still, people like to compare. And when they see, for example, Bioshock for 5$ (on sale now, normally 20$) and Aquaria, released the same year, for 20$ (without any price cut during the big sale), Aquaria looks bad in their eyes.
Besides, indie games became too popular and crowded. My friend usually doesn't trust indie games. He says that "too many people do shitty games, but than staple them "that's indie" and the shitty game becomes an indie masterpiece". I, having played Aquaria, know that it was better than mst commercial games i've played for the last 7 years. But i had to play it, to know it.

Registered after reading the topic.
What i wanted to say about the second ending is that, the only two things that i found not right were "to be continued" message (only the message itself) and the lack of full understanding of what's going on without finishing the game without all memories.
I just finished the game for the first time and got all memories on the first playthrough. And while i could guess, what's going on in the second ending, i understood it only after reading the script file for the unfinished ending.
Alec, i do understand the reasoning behind the "to be continued" thing, and i also think that if the ending had nothing like this, it would feel unfinished. But choosing "to be continued" is instantly taken as "okay, so there's definitely 100% going to be a sequel" thing usually. It ended up like "Raziel... welcome to your destiny" in the end of Soul Reaver.
maybe some kind of VO could've helped both things i've pointed out - slightly explained that this is her son, and ended on more of the "but that's a different tale" rather than "come again next week" note.
Beautiful and haunting game, anyway. Thank you

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