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Messages - Braiba

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Bugs in the animation editor
« on: December 25, 2007, 09:05:22 pm »
Speaking of bugs in the animation editor, I don't know if this is mentioned elsewhere, but I noticed that when you move bones around with the left mouse button the movement is relative to the orientation of the root bone, not relative to the screen. It's not a huge problem since generally entities stay upright and even when they don't, they shouldn't really need to move during the animation, but it's still really annoying if you do need to do it.

Gameplay / Re: Playing without Auto Aim?
« on: December 12, 2007, 10:51:12 am »
For the 8 seconds that you have the spider web ability, you lay web behind you in a straight line, like the spiders do. Any time you turn sharp(ish)ly, it starts a new strand. When an enemy tries to cross a strand, they either move really slowly or get stuck, I'm not sure (either way, the boss didn't manage to escape my web during the time it was there, which I think is about 30 seconds). It's actually a really cool ability and it's been implemented really well, especially for an ability that you only get for 8 seconds at a time from a single(?) item. When I get around to making mods, I think I'm going to have to make a spider form, so  get to play with it more.

Charge shot still homes in on enemies without enemy targeting on, you just can't dictate which enemies. I think it always goes for the closest ones, but I'm not sure - it sometimes seems to avoid passive creatures a bit, but I may be mistaken.

Gameplay / Re: How to kill the crab mini-boss...
« on: December 12, 2007, 10:37:41 am »
Actually, you have to shoot his eyes, then his claws when he drops his guard and then his underbelly when his claws fall off.

Huh, that's entirely not how I killed it. I didn't think he seemed to be taking damage when I was shooting him in the eyes, so I ended up killing him a completely different way that until now I assumed was the correct one, but clearly not. I'll have to try killing him the proper way on my second play through...

Gameplay / Re: Stuck in the Sun Temple.
« on: December 12, 2007, 07:33:33 am »
You know what abilities Sun Form gives? You can go to a new place in the Sun Temple now.

Where? The only place I haven't been in the Sun Temple is the north area/exit because the water doesn't raise up that high. I can wall-hope my way up there and then up the cogs into the next room but after that it's a no go. :/

I think dhakkel may be a little confused; I had the entire Sun Temple map filled in before I got the Sun form. You'll be wanting to head south into the Abyss, although you were along the right lines for getting something optional by going along those cogs, so you may want to poke around there a bit more before you head off.

Gameplay / Re: Playing without Auto Aim?
« on: December 12, 2007, 07:26:12 am »
There's nothing massivly spoiling here or anything, but this topic is slipping into spoiler area, plus I'm giving major boss tactics here, which some people may with to avoid.

Have you been down to the Abyss yet? I know I did Sun Temple before that but a lot of people do Abyss first then Sun Temple.
I can't see how you'd manage that, unless the darkness in the Abyss clears up once you get past the first bit (I've managed to navigate a few of the dark areas without light, but the spikes in the Abyss scared me off trying that there). Or is there another light source I don't know about?

Would be nice to hear you managed the Abyss without auto aim :D.

Just beat the Sun Temple boss, so I'll be heading there now. *fingers crossed*
If you're interested, the way I beat that boss was a combination of health food (duh), speed food (to avoid water flow while in energy form) and blast boosting food (again, duh). However, none of those things were what won me the fight; what won me the fight was my single spider roll, which is the single most useful item in that fight by a huge margin. It had been sitting in my inventory since I found it, because I assumed it would be really lame, however it's actually amazingly good. If I hadn't managed to win that time I would have just run off, made another seven, returned to the boss, then sat back and laughed while I blasted him to pieces, almost certainly not needing any other item.

Why would mouse+no autoaim be harder than gamepad and no autoaim?
Assuming the gamepad has dual analog, you'd still have independent movement and aiming. I assume that's what chiablo meant anyway.

Oh, and I do have enemy targeting turned off as well, by the way.

Modding / Re: Easy mode / Hardcore mode
« on: December 12, 2007, 07:09:31 am »
Hardcore mode should require the use of a microphone ; )

Gameplay / Re: Playing without Auto Aim?
« on: December 11, 2007, 03:00:22 pm »
Wow, this would be nearly impossible later on without auto-aim. There are times you MUST be swimming away from a boss while firing on it, times where you have to be moving during the bosses weak moment, or you will just die before you can kill it.

Yeah, I'm guessing the Sun Temple boss is one of those times. So far I've managed to get away with darting and then shooting a few times before I have to move again, but this guy requires so much dodging, plus the area where it actually takes damage is absolutely tiny.

I'm guessing the option to turn auto-aim off was intended for people who use the keyboard for movement, but hey, it makes for a fun challenge. Also means that the charge attack for the energy form is actually worth using in combat.

So yeah, good luck. It would be nice if you could finish it!
Thanks. I have been mauled by the Sun Temple boss a fair few times now though, so I may have to give up on my little challenge soon, but I'm going to stock up on healing items and give it another few goes first. I managed to get to his third stage (rapid fireballs) with only 2 healing items, so it seems like it should be possible, assuming he doesn't have more than four or five phases.

Gameplay / Re: stuck on boss (spoilers)
« on: December 11, 2007, 10:18:25 am »
I found the easiest way to feed him was bind, energy form, blast while moving towards him, unbind while he's stepping back, cling to the dip in the ceiling and blast him until he inhales. I was able to pull that off three times without taking damage, and after that just dodge and fire - you should still have just about enough health that you can kill him without needing to heal.

Gameplay / Playing without Auto Aim?
« on: December 11, 2007, 06:53:00 am »
Just wondering how many other people have auto-aim turned off. I assume I'm in the minority here, but I'm interested to see how small a minority it actually is.

Also, if you are playing (/have played) without auto-aim, where do you think it's made the most difference? So far I think the eye monsters in the cathedral was the place where it would have helped most, although actually once I'd managed to kill one of them, the other two didn't actually cause me any trouble at all. I've still got a fair way to go though, and a couple of the bosses that I've stumbled upon early (I hope) seem like they'll be a fair bit harder.

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