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Messages - tobyto

Pages: [1]
Ok! Thank you to Nava who solved my problem as promised. I'll spend the whole day playing that game to kill my frustration  :D
Cheers !

Thank you guys to answer me. To be honest, i'm really getting crasy with that story. I sended 6 mails to admin@bit-blot, never answered, the same to Plimus.... you are the only ones who make me feel not like a ghost...  :).
Nava, i'm going to contact you so and let see what will happen. Sorry to be rude but i'm really upset  :(

The theme is in the tittle. I made the big mistake to buy Aquaria here and they NEVER gave me a valid download link, NEVER answered my mails, but IMMEDIATELY RECEIVED MY PAYMENT. Those who read this and who have not earned the game yet, DON't DO IT!! I bought it two weeks ago and stiil didn't see a f...ing pixel.

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