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Messages - Zyol

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« on: February 21, 2011, 05:20:47 pm »
Doesn't normal skin have issues with being underwater so long, though? also, is there some reason having webbed feet and such prevents her from having scales on other parts of her body?

Well fantasy worlds don't always have to abide by real world scientific laws you know.

He never really meant to build an utopia or a world, just a family.

I think the Creator's behavior can be translated into the Gentry/Keeper/True Fae from Changeling: The Lost where he has a alien solipsist mindset where he has no empathy for others and thinks everything must center around him even if the inhabitants don't want to be (like he wants a family but his creations have minds of their own and destroys them because of it).

Although my main point though I think I was trying to point out or speculating that Aquria is originally supposed to be a non-existent underwater fantasy world sprout from a child's mind (much like Wonderland, Narnia, Land of Oz, etc) and how it 'failed' similar to Bioshock's failed utopia themes.

Why don't you give us your theory, to start things off?

Well for starters, I thought the entire game is about a child's (the Creator) personal underwater fantasy dreamworld (that was originally non-existent) based on the sea drawing at the very beginning of the intro which it all failed because of his childlike mentality eventually got the best of him, Hence the game certainly does fit the "failed utopia" theme of the Bioshock games with this game being a failed fantasy world (since the very first thing it says on the very first page of the official website "An Underwater Fantasy World to Explore"). It's actually kinda creepy once you deeply think about it.

General / So what is Aquaria really about? (thread may contain spoilers)
« on: November 20, 2010, 09:48:46 pm »
So what is Aquaria really about and the meaning behind the game? Is it about a failed fantasy world similar to Bioshock's "Failed utopia" theme? Is it about childhood dreams (while the "Creator" is actually a child that fell from that floating city above) regarding that ocean painting from the beginning intro?

General / Alternative Ending thread (thread may contain spoilers)
« on: November 19, 2010, 02:05:42 pm »
Does anyone have any good ideas for alternative endings that Aquaria should have ended? I personally think Naija should have ascended to godhood and became the new creator and repaired the damage the last one did (that she defeated) by restoring everything to it's former glory.

Or any better ideas?

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