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Messages - jacobtf

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Aquaria hit the P2P
« on: December 13, 2007, 01:10:03 pm »
Yesterday, I was at a friend's place with my laptop. So I show him Aquaria and being an old-school guy that dates all the way back to the C64 (and before), he is mighty impressed. Now, he doesn't play many games himself, but he has got two sons. The oldest sees the game in action and goes "Hey, I want that" and the father goes "sure, dig out 30 bucks and you can have it". I let the boy play the game for a while and he ended up wishing it for christmas. So with a bit of luck, you might just have another customer soon :-)

Tell the story behind the project, show people the website and let them play the game. It all helps.

Support / International characters in name
« on: December 09, 2007, 06:01:59 pm »
What a wonderful game. Words have a hard time describing the joy I felt playing the demo, so I decided to my money where my mouth was, thus purchasing the game. And I am happy with my purchase. This is the first pc game I have bought in YEARS.

Starting up the game, the title screen proudly declared that the game was registered to me... well, sort of.

The problem is, I'm from Denmark and my name is Jacob N

Support / Re: Sooooo Slow
« on: December 09, 2007, 05:58:11 pm »
Providing you have the latest drivers for your graphics card, and the game STILL runs slow... I'd say the graphics card is the culprit. Try turning some of the effects off in Aquaria's config.

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