Okay. I have beaten the game and it was nice. But I wanted to discover other places as well, before making my way towards the final boss a second time. So I used the last safegame, after I made my way through the whole body (after rescuing Li from that bubble, of course) and swam into the sunken city, where the golem waited to be defeated, what I did. But then A tentacle grabbed Li and Naija is alone again.
I dashed into the body like a lightning bolt, into the room where the big bubble has been, but Li wasn't there, this time. Is he somewhere else, or do I have to go for the big boss without him and the joy of dual form through the body? Otherwise, this is not possible, as there are these purple, clumsy thingies...
I think, the ghost boy is a hint. He followed me and got transported to the entrance of the body, where he stayed.