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Messages - Shadow

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Gameplay / Unknown zone marker on minimap! Need Help.
« on: December 13, 2007, 11:54:22 pm »

Top left. Picture taken from the Whale room.

Bottom left. Picture taken from tunnel over Whale room.

Same zone marker, I can't seem to find a way over to the bloody thing. It doesn't seem to be used for anything ... but I can't help but wonder if there's a way to get over to it. Been swimming against the walls in fish form for a while trying to find an entrance. >:(

Gameplay / Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« on: December 13, 2007, 10:34:40 pm »
Veggie Ice Cream
Plant Leaf + Any Icecream
1x Regeneration

Berry Ice Cream
Red Berry + Any Icecream
Heal +1
Li will eat

^ Actual description. If you toss it and let him eat it, he turns blue. :o

Gameplay / Re: terminal turtle cancer (spoilers of course)
« on: December 13, 2007, 05:50:22 pm »
Giant Snail doesn't seem to have any real purpose either. :( Tried everything I could to make it come out and do something.

Gameplay / Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« on: December 11, 2007, 08:21:58 am »
Has anyone considered the possibility that the larger fish in the ocean (not the minibosses, but the very big ones that take a bit to kill like the fire breathing seahorse or thing surrounded by black fish in the Kelp Forest) might have a rare chance to drop a very nice food so you can get the recipe? Some of them might end up being guesswork, but it's worth a shot if they might have a rare chance to drop nice things. This is all speculation, though, and it'd suck to kill one 100 times for nothing. :(

I've killed those sea horses a bunch of times, they don't ever seem to drop anything but leaf x3 ... which is very nice since a lot of the cooking I do involves them, and I hate swimming all over to uproot plants. :D

Not sure about the other little giants, such as the semi-invisible squid you see in a few spots, I haven't killed the others very many times.

Gameplay / Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« on: December 11, 2007, 06:50:01 am »
Yes, I know I'm replying to myself, but this is great. I've been experimenting with various ingredients, and I made two discoveries. :D

Cold Soup:
Any Soup + Any Icechunk

Not that interesting as ........................

Rainbow Soup:
Rainbow Mushroom + Any Soup

This soup gives the most awesome effect ever, you have to try it.

I'll just edit this post with any other discoveries I make. :P

Poison Loaf:
Rotten Meat + Anything --- And Poison Loaf + Poison Loaf
Yes, making one poison loaf actually spawned two recipes on my book for some reason. o_o You can combine two poison loafs ... to make a single poison loaf. Seems pretty strange. lol

Gameplay / Re: Need advice on where to go next (near the end of the game)
« on: December 11, 2007, 06:30:53 am »

The bottom left of the abyss was the whale? I finished that part, got the pearl, moved it up to the spot, and got the memory there.

In the Veil, I got Li and the Sun form and that spiky armor. I'll check there again.

If you have Li, then you need to inspect the bottom left ... of the western side of the Abyss. :D

Gameplay / Re: Need advice on where to go next (near the end of the game)
« on: December 11, 2007, 06:24:38 am »
Sounds like you either need to check around the Veil, or the bottom left of the Abyss.  >:D

Gameplay / Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« on: December 11, 2007, 06:20:11 am »
It just occurred to me that we'll need to do a lot of experimenting to fully fill the cooking pages. <.< Since you can cook new foods even without the recipes (this is what I just found out when I began a new game and wanted to make some Veggie Soup), and you only get about 10 pages worth of recipes throughout the course of the game from item drops ... oh dear. :(

Gameplay / Re: *spoilers!* Do Beds/Clams do anything?
« on: December 10, 2007, 10:15:06 pm »
I know you can interact with them to go to sleep, but nothing ever happens for me besides that. I've seen other people mention seeing a dream though. Is that something I've missed? A time dependent thing?

I believe they fully heal you. Haven't seen much use beyond that.

Gameplay / Re: Ice Area (I need help) (SPOILERS)
« on: December 10, 2007, 08:03:08 am »

Yeah, he was pretty tricky to figure out, easily the most trixy sideboss I found in the game.  :-X

Gameplay / Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« on: December 10, 2007, 07:37:19 am »

You sure on the location of that "Third Cooking Slot"?  I looked all over the dark area of Arnassi, nothing.  Are you talking about the area with the Turtle?

Ride the turtle. It works independent from the other turtles and brings you to a small section in the Kelp Forest, where a "Simon sez" creature floats around.

Correct. Didn't want to give away any more than was necessary. :P

Gameplay / Re: octopus boss
« on: December 10, 2007, 07:27:28 am »
I just got to the octopus-thingee boss after beating the boss in the Sun Temple.  I couldn't damage him at all.  Does anyone have any pointers?

You have to get close to him to find his weak point. Biggest hint I can give without giving it away. :p

Gameplay / Re: *SPOILERS* Giant Jellyfish Help Please.
« on: December 10, 2007, 07:25:27 am »
This is true. But if you wanna be a real man, you know which one you have to use. ;)

A "real man" wouldn't waste time singing cutesy little songs.  ::)

Gameplay / Re: *SPOILERS* Giant Jellyfish Help Please.
« on: December 10, 2007, 07:14:36 am »
You can eat the little jellyfish in beast form. That helps make him from the hardest sideboss in the game into a joke. :o

Huh, these things respawn before I can even change back from Beast to Energy.

As the readme that came with it says, you can use your keyboard number keys to quick change to different forms, bypassing singing the songs over and over again. :p

Gameplay / Re: Stuck in Sunken City
« on: December 10, 2007, 07:02:34 am »
The "7" shape looks like the rune the song produces, if I remember correctly...


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